Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear ones!
It's been so long since I've chatted with you on Tuesday!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and your new year is starting
off with renewed strength.
The reason we are sharing this adorable vintage birthday card today
is because we love celebrating birthdays and feel everyone should be
recognized on their birthday!

We would love it if all of you who have a January birthday would please leave
a comment sharing what day your birthday is and we will post it in our sidebar.
Each month on the first day of the month, we will share a vintage birthday
card and celebrate everyone's birthday.

This beautiful German vase was a Christmas gift from my son.  It is so great
when everyone knows you like old stuff better than new!  He also gave me the
beautiful little Hull vase below that is one of my favorite patterns.

This precious little cup was a gift from a dear friend.  Isn't it lovely?

The two planters below were gifts from another sweet friend.  She knows
my love of baby planters and these are both so cute and unusual. 

How cute are they?!

There are many bloggers who are picking their word for the year.  I
think this is a great idea and I  
have given this some thought.
I decided my word for the year is Faith.
Faith is a current that runs through my being.  Lindsey would
call it being 'overly optimistic'.  I just have a
constant belief that things are going to work out.  Besides, I
know there is a God who wants what's best for me and wants me to
be happy.  If things don't go as I'd hoped,
I have the faith that what I wanted wasn't right for me and
things will be better for me this way.
It goes beyond that, though.  You must
have faith in yourself and believe that you can do all that you
dream.  Hang on to those dreams and don't doubt yourself.
You are an awesome creative person and you have the power
within you to make your dreams come true.

Thank you for visiting with me today.
Don't forget to speak up if your birthday is in January!
Love, Twyla


  1. Must be my lucky day to be the first to speak up. I was born January 28th, 1955. (not ashamed) it was cold and lots of snow and we lived about 25 miles from a hospital and so I was born in a Maturinity Home about 10 miles from home.It had 6 beds and one doctor.

  2. What a beautiful post! I enjoy all your fabulous creations that you share with us, they are adorable! Thank you for sharing so many wonderful vintage images as well. Many blessing to you this New Year!

  3. Hi Twyla~
    I'm trying to catch up on blog reading after the holidays. Your gifts are lovely..people sure know what you like don't they. My birthday is January 20...the year isn't important, right?
    I have something to send to you. Could you send me your address? My email address is jegleason1@yahoo dot com. I'll get it right off to you.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Good Morning Twyla.

    I love your choice of a word.That is my private word in my mind..I love Faith!!! I don't know how we would make it thru the days without it. I will be posting your word and your name on my sidebar over at RRG there I can pray for the girls and their words...and remember for the year..as a topic.

    Lurve the vintage Birthdays! I have been hosting those on the first Tuesday of the month over at my Mornin Glories. Stop by and sign up ..no years please..we are all 40...lol

    Mine is August 29th.

    Love the gifts and the pottery!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham and "Mornin Glories"

  5. I love the pottery--especially the first vase with the adorable cottage!!

    My words are Balance/Discipline!

  6. What great gifts! I was born in a snowstorm on January 22, 1961! Hope you have a wonderful New Year!



  7. Happy New Year Twyla!
    The gifts you received from friends and family are all so nice. They sure know you well.
    I like the idea of choosing a word for the year. Hadn't heard of that idea until I discovered blogland.
    How sweet of you to share such a sweet birthday card for the January birthdays.

  8. Well my birhtday is not this month but here I'm anyway.
    Beautiful glassware pieces you received for Christmas. Such a thoughtful gift!

  9. I love your word, and am much like you! I also believe that, as a child of God, created by Him and for Him, he will be faithful to me, and things will work out the way they should. In His way, in His time, in His graciousness and mercy. What a wonderful thing! Love your gifts, especially the Hull vase and little planters - very sweet!

  10. I like your choice of word for 2011, because I think I'd go batty if I didn't have faith that things would work out ok, on a daily basis! And all of those gifts that you received are so perfectly YOU!

  11. Aw, what a sweet birthday idea, Twyla! You girls are so special!

    Faith is a good thing! He gives us all a measure! I don't really have a word for the year but I do expect life to settle a bit. at least I hope so!

    Have a great day, sweet friend! ♥

  12. Faith is a fantastic word.

    My birthday is January 26 and I will be hitting the half century mark...yikes!

  13. Thank you for such a wonderful post. It really spoke to me and where I am now!

  14. Your post really warmed my heart.
    Faith is such a great word and thank you for reminding me that when things don't go my way,I need to remember to reach inside for more Faith.~rather than lose Faith.
    thanks so much.
    Love your presents Twyla!
    Happy Tuesday!

  15. Hi Twyla! This is MY Birthday month, the 28th to be exact! The vase your son gave you is just exquisite, the colors and the image are just beautiful. And those little planters are so cute. I don't think I've ever seen ones like those with the little mirror image. Have a wonderful day, hugs and blessings, Nan

  16. What a darling idea to honour peoples birthdays - you ladies are just lovely!

    Victoria xx

  17. Salve!
    My birthday is January 4 (1965)!

  18. I love your word for the year, FAITH!!!
    Very nice gifts that you rec'd. I haven't seen planter like those either.
    What a fun idea with the monthly birthdays!
    deb :)


  20. Happy New Year, Twyla! I think "faith" is a wonderful word for 2011. I need more of it myself. Thanks for your sweet thoughts on this subject!

  21. All so beautiful today, Twyla! Faith is my word for the year, too...always such a big part of my life, as well...but particularly in need these days, isn't it?!

    I'm a happy January girl, too...on the 30th. What a sweet birthday thing to do, my friend!

    Wishing you both a most wonderful day!


  22. Love your gifts - the vase is outstanding! Faith is a wonderful word to have for the year, one we all can adopt. The birthday idea is a sweet thing to do! Happy New Year!

  23. Our mother was born in January - and I just wanted to say hello. This is a lovely and inspiring post. Faith is a wonderful thing to have.
    (And I'm so glad you liked your gift!)

  24. Born on January 19th 52 years ago almost!
    Thanks for asking and what a sweet event to add to your blog Twyla.

    I'm with you...FAITH is what we all need in this messed up world we live in. My word for this year is PASSION...to do what I do, whatever that may be...with passion.

  25. Twyla, This is the loveliest idea to share birthdays. It speaks to your nature. I like your word for the year, "Faith". Truly it all comes down to this one word. Always such a joy to visit you on Tuesdays! Elizabeth

  26. How special I feel! My birthday is this month...on the 21st! I see a lot of others very near this date! Thanks for being so sweet! Hugs! ♥


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!