Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Spinning!

Hello friends!
I hope you've been enjoying our valentines!
I just love this sweet crafty one!

I have been really crafty this week, creating tags!
I just love these lace tags!

Lace has become so trendy right in scrapping right now!
 Perfect for Valentine crafting.
So, I created these pretty lace tags to inspire others to add lace to their projects!
These tags measure 3".

I have also been creating stamped tags.
Using one of my favorite shapes, the bracket is so lovely!

This tag is using one of my favorite stamps!

All of my tags are in sets of 6.
They have all been added to our etsy shop!

May happiness light your heart and home, Lindsey


  1. Love 'em, Lindsey !!! How did you get these shapes? I wish I could do it...
    Besos from Spain ;O)
    --> Have a great day !

  2. How did you create the "lace"? that looks really pretty. Katharine

  3. love every one of them.So easy,but was that lace punch very expensive ? I would love to buy one.

  4. Hey you two!

    I am opening the cutest store on the west coast, yes indeed. Would you be interested in shipping some goodies out to sell? I need quality cute stuff in my store. If interested please email me or leave comment on blog and I'll mail you a very cute packet of info.
    Store opening Feb. 1 with grand opening on Feb. 12th.
    I would love to sell your stuff!!! Tags, bags, anything...

  5. Oh yes...see blog for store pictures.

  6. I love the vintage Valentines! They are some of my favorite posts that you do all year! Hugs! ♥

  7. Lindsey, these are all so wonderful! I love the majorette Valentine (my very favorite image) I absolutely adore these holiday adventures to take us on. Thanks as always! Elizabeth

  8. Adorable!!! Who makes the cottage stamps or where did you get them?? I think I NEED them!!

  9. Ah-ha! I see you got a corner punch set! Too cute! ♥

  10. Hey Ladies,

    Lindsey, those tags are adorable. Where did you find those stamps??? I'm a sucker for the vintage cottage look.


  11. I love the cottage stamp tags. They are adorable. Also love the vintage valentine. Thank s!

  12. Love the lace! Pretty creations! Have a blessed day, HUGS!

  13. Gorg-e-ous!

    Thanks for the Valentine too. My MIL spins. I may have to make one for her.

  14. I like to know about your project. You have a good collection of lace tags. I like to know about your crafty week. You done a great job. Keep it up!


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