Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sugar Kissed Garland Tutorial

Today we have a tutorial for a cute little garland
made from pipe cleaners!

We took a quick trip to Hobby Lobby to buy pipe cleaners, we decided on
silver and red for the garland.

We wanted it to be small so I started by folding the pipe cleaner into thirds to measure
where to cut.

I used wire cutters, but I am sure scissors or clippers would also do the job.

To get a uniform circle, I wrapped each little piece around my flashlight.
You can use whatever you like to get the shape and size you want.

I then began joining them just like you do a paper chain, twisting the
ends to secure each piece.

Voila'!  It doesn't take very long and you can make it as long as you want.
With two people working on it, it goes really fast.  We think one to go
around the Christmas tree would be so sweet!

Thank you so much for stopping by today.
We hope you enjoyed our Sugar Kissed tutorial!

Have a magical day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Very cute i will have to make one with my Grands, very fun and simple. Hugs, Diane

  2. I've loved all the tutorials so far and I wanted to congratulate the lucky winner of the afghan. xoxoxo

  3. So sweet & festive, ladies! I loved making these with my girls when they were little...maybe it's time to do it again!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night, my friends!


  4. How sweet! And I AM having a magical day! I posted a tutorial on my blog today...used some of YOUR graphics and I can't wait for you both to see! I mentioned you and gave a link to your blog! Thank you SO much! Hugs! Diane ♥

  5. Sweet idea and very cute! Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  6. You girls just know how to have Holiday fun...
    Will do this with my Grands too.
    Glad Tidings to you and yours this wonderful season...
    Always Happy here!

    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  7. So cute! I didn't know they made shiny pipe cleaners! I'm loving sparkle and shine this year.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  8. What a sweet simple it. I think I will make me one for my little silver tree....Congrats to the winner of your Give your Sugar Kissed Christmas girls are amazing!

  9. Loving the tutorials ladies! They make my morning!

  10. I'm really enjoying your "Sugar Kissed Christmas" posts!!

  11. super cute. I think that I will use this in a few months when my house is all dreary and I am looking to dress it up for Valentines. That garland in those colors would be adorable hanging from the chandy with hearts.
    Oh.. I am way ahead of myself.

  12. Very, very sweet! This is all such fun! Elizabeth

  13. Hello sweet girls! Cute! This makes me want to get back to work on my pink ribbon garland! thanks for all these wonderful posts/tutorials! You're the best!


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