Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Another Giveaway and A Sugar Kissed Idea

Hello friends!
Christmas is coming so quickly and we just aren't ready to have
another Sugar Kissed Christmas behind us.

Another gift we'd love to give away this Christmas is a pair
of my knitted houseshoes!


I've made a pair in red and white!  So warm and cozy to
keep your feet warm during the cold winter months.
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post
and we will announce the winner Christmas Day!


We also want to share with you today a fun way to print and display vintage Christmas images!
I found this sweet card in my collection and new it would be perfect!

Print your vintage images on song sheet music for this cool effect!
I used a basic inkjet printer for printing.

I love how the image blended in to the sheet music so well!


Try this cool technique and see what you can create!

Wishing you a lovely day, Lindsey and Twyla


  1. I love the sheet music!!! The birds are sooo cute! Everything you make is adorable!

  2. Beautiful houseshoes! Have a nice day, @nne

  3. Those house shoes are adorable and I love the sheet music idea!!
    Happy Holidays from one Missourian to another!!


  4. Love the house shoes you made, Twyla. How sweet of you to do a Christmas giveaway.
    The vintage image is adorable and what a cute idea to copy it onto sheet music.
    Merry Christmas to the two crazy crafters :)

  5. Dear girls, I do not know what to say first...the shoes are lovely lovely!!! The sheet music so but sooo cute! And the birds!!! I love them all!! Kisses and love! Bela

  6. Those are Candy Cane houseshoes, right? :)
    So cute and cozy!
    I am in LOVE with the idea of printing card images (or others) onto vintage sheet music! I am definitely going to try that! Thank you SO much for the wonderful idea!

  7. I really have to go looking for the pattern for those house shoes. My MIL used to make them for my husband. Since she passed last year and my husband had lots of holes in the last pair she made for him, I bought him a new pair on ebay last Christmas. But he already has a hole in one. While cleaning clutter recently, I found a tiny pair she had made for my son when he was a toddler. I had forgotten all about them. Of course, they will be saved for sentimental reasons.
    The red and white pair you've made are just adorable and I'd love to win them.
    Thanks for sharing your idea of printing an image on sheet music. It's a lovely effect. I'm filing it away with lots of wonderful shared ideas that I hope to try in the new year.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  8. Oh..there are the twins to my slippers I am still enjoying....I am not entering as the ones I have are still keeping my feet very cozy... :)
    I did want to asked a question(not because I am anxious) but,just because I am concerned ...did you ever mail the afghan you said you were going to? I am only asking because I wanted to make sure it wasn't lost...Also,I didn't want you thinking I wasn't appreciative by not responding with a Thank you reply.....if you haven't mailed it please,don't be worried about doing so...I was just wondering because our UPS driver might have left it else where.....Thank you!
    I pray you girls have a very Merry Christmas.....blessings,Shelley

  9. Dearies,

    Everything you do is so very beautiful. I am in love with your booties. I went on a hunt for a pair yesturday because my feeties have been cold but I don't like any of the one's I saw in the stores. Boo! Hoo!
    I hope you are having a magical week.

    love love,
    Fritzi Marie

    p.s. You're special something arrived on my doorstep yesturday. I will get it in the mail to you soon. xo

  10. Hey Ladies,

    I need a pair of slippers to keep my tootsies warm out here in Arizona!!!! It's a freezing 70ish degrees........help. I need slippers, I need slippers, I need slippers...........join in the chant!

    Love ya'

  11. Very nice slippers you make.
    The printing on the song sheet is a wonderful idea I must try that thanks for suggesting. I have a tag on my tree from your tutorial with the little girl standing at the mantle. I posted about it on my blog. Thanks girls love visiting and learning from you both. Nan

  12. Right now my toesies are so cold they would welcome winning these cuties! And in my favorite colors!
    Merry Christmas!

  13. My Nanny used to knit me slippers like that when I was a kid but she has bad arthritis in her hands now and had to give up the knitting.

    I love the look of the image printed on the song sheet!

  14. I love the sheet music. My Guy is a professional musician so I love using sheet music with my crafts.

    Happy Holidays

  15. Hello girls,
    Just wanted to stop in to wish you a very merry Christmas.
    I'm sorry I have been so bad about leaving comments lately, heavy work schedule but I have been stopping in and I just love your sugar kissed Christmas...everything is so sweet. I especailly loved your shadow box!
    Enjoy your Holiday!

  16. That is such a great idea with the vintage image and sheet music.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Your house shoes are adorable and look so cozy.
    You are multitalented!!!
    have the best Holiday ever~

  17. Your darling house shoes are just what my cold feet need. Thanks for doing a giveaway.

  18. Your darling house shoes are just what my cold feet need. Thanks for doing a giveaway.

  19. I would love to wear your house shoes.


  20. Hi, I have enjoyed reading your blog and I would love to win a new pair of knitted house shoes. Your picture you made is so adorable. I had never thought about doing something like that. Thank you for sharing your vintage images. Merry Christmas to the two of you and your family. Have a wonderful weekend.

  21. My pair of houseslippers you kindly sent be some time ago have been just the thing to keep me warm during Britains big freeze!

    Victoria xx

  22. How delightfully warm and cozy that, as we "speak," I be wearing the greeny veriegateds that you knit for me a while back, those of which I still cherish and have since christened Miss Pitter and Miss Patter!

    Wishing you and yours just the loveliest Christmas!

    SparkleFarkle~~~~~* (<--Asterisk-sparkle becomes a snowflake this time of year!)

  23. Yes! Peppermint houseshoes! I love my sugar kissed ones! Love you special girls!

    This sheet music idea is so fab! I can't wait to try it And in the frame?! Awesome!

    If I don't get to talk to you again- have a GREAT Christmas day! ♥

  24. Merry Christmas! What wonderfully festive house slippers! Thank you so much for a chance in your draw and for your music sheet printing idea. Blessings to you both.

  25. I've loved all your Sugar Kissed items so far! Thank you for having a giveaway!


  27. Hello Twyla and Lindsey,
    Just popping in really to wish you both a very happy Christmas! Do enjoy yourselves.
    Your blog has been so lovely this year, its so nice that you share everything with everyone!
    Its been an absolute pleasure to view Lindseys work, and of course your gorgeous crocheting Twyla.
    I'm sorry I haven't been over much. I've been busy delivering the 44 Blankets we have made together on SIBOL. It has given me such a lot of pleasure to hand-deliver the Blankets to Residents in Nursing Homes in the UK near to where I live. Knowing that our SIBOL project has been successful is just so rewarding to us all.

    To actually be able to present these Elderly Residents has just been lovely.

    Wishing you both a very happy time, Love sue and family x

  28. Hello Twyla and Lindsey,
    Just popping in really to wish you both a very happy Christmas! Do enjoy yourselves.
    Your blog has been so lovely this year, its so nice that you share everything with everyone!
    Its been an absolute pleasure to view Lindseys work, and of course your gorgeous crocheting Twyla.
    I'm sorry I haven't been over much. I've been busy delivering the 44 Blankets we have made together on SIBOL. It has given me such a lot of pleasure to hand-deliver the Blankets to Residents in Nursing Homes in the UK near to where I live. Knowing that our SIBOL project has been successful is just so rewarding to us all.

    To actually be able to present these Elderly Residents has just been lovely.

    Wishing you both a very happy time, Love sue and family x

  29. Congratulations Twyla and Lindsey Sweeties...
    I have so enjoyed blogging with you. You always have the neatest shares and the most beautiful crafts. It is a treasure each time I pop in. You two must be a real hoot together. I love it that you spend so much time together. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

    Now these little slippers are definitely something I need. Being a diabetic it is so hard to find ones that feel good on my feet. They look so soft, and red is my favorite color. Oh please, enter me into your wonderful drawing of love.

    May you both be richly blessed this CHRISTmas season. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

  30. Very nice shoes! This is Joanie, of Hardee's fame, by the way, hope your Holidays are lovely! Stop by my facebook and look at pictures of my son if you like! My new last name is Montileone!

  31. Love the slippers and such perfect color for Christmas - happy holidays!!

  32. Just wanted to wish you both a very Blessed Merry Christmas....love the slippers and your blog....Thank you for sharing all that you two do...
    Sweet Blessings...

  33. Merry Christmas to you both! I love those slippers! I've enjoyed your blog all year long. Thanks so much for your wonderful craft ideas.

  34. My Grandma used to make these and I loved them. Merry Christmas.


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