Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear ones!
I am either being very brave or very stupid to share with you
a paper bag album that I made a couple of years ago.


As the mother of a genuine scrap booking designer, I feel like who am I to
show what I've done.  Lindsey's work is very detailed and 'chunky', multi layered and in comparison,
my work is very plain.  It is just my style she tells me.

I do enjoy dabbling in paper, but for me it is work.  I have to think too hard and I have
a problem 'commiting'.  The paper is almost too pretty to cut!

Every since I was little I have had an inner need to create something, anything.  I started out
with decoupage and learned to knit when I was eleven and learned to crochet shortly after that.
I was also sewing my own clothes from a young age out of necessity.  I was an
overweight child who couldn't find clothes to fit me off the rack.

As an adult, I continued to sew, embroider and taught myself to cross stitch.
I continued to knit and crochet, even learned to do broomstick lace!

I call it a slow burn in my soul that makes it impossible for me to not be creating something.
In fact, while I am working on a project, I am already thinking of other ideas and designs.
Because of this I have many 'works in progress'!  Oh, if only there was more time!

I encourage you to create something today.  Find that burning urge in your soul. 
You might be surprised!  I had always wanted to be a muralist and I got to realize my
dream when a co-worker allowed me to paint a mural on her dining room wall!
Whatever you would like to do - DO!
Creating is good for your soul!

Have an amazing day!


  1. Your style is lovely! It is sweet and classic and just beautiful!!

  2. You DO have your very own wonderful style, Twyla...and I love it!

    So glad you shared your beautiful book! I love your "slow burn"...I totally understand what you mean--me, too! I never thought of it that way before, but I will from now on! I've always got multiple projects laying around in various stages of doneness!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night, dear friend!


  3. I enjoyed your little book and your story. It tugs my heart a bit to think of creativity just waiting to come out...I am holding back for some unknown reason yet when I am creative I feel so good. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I like your paper bag album and I'm certainly trying to create something today too, thanks for the encouragement! Have a lovely day yourself!

  5. I love your beautiful album, I too have problems when cutting into new fabric or card, I love to look at my things for a long time and enjoy them first, but when I eventually make something from them I always feel hugely satisfied. There are so many things I would like to do and so little time.
    Love Jillx

  6. My house is truly The Land of 1,000Craft Projects! Every time I see a new paper or crafty idea I want to try it out, and at this point I could open an extremely well-stocked scrapbook/bead store with everything that's all over the place waiting for me. "One of these days" sounds like a broken record around here!! I LOVE your scrapbook. HUH OH.

  7. This is so pretty and fun and unique-I just love it-to be able to create things-wish I had that talent!

  8. I loved looking at the beautiful work you have created and thank you for encouraging us to create, it is a wonderful thing.

    Have a beautiful day my friend. xxx

  9. Your paperbag book is beautiful!!! I, too, have been very crafty from an early age. Most of my work is either from a pattern or 'scraplifted', as they say. I semi-retired a year ago, and still don't have the time to try all the things I see in 'blogland'.
    I will be crafty today, for sure!!!
    Thanks for the inspiration!!

  10. You have an amazing soul Twyla, and we are blessed to know you! Your journal is absolutely beautiful Simple and elegant, just like it's creator. Have a lovely day Twyla! E

  11. We all have our own style I guess. I don't let myself create much because I never like the way my things turn out....I am beginning to except that I too have my own style though...although it is usually a bit on the whimsy,child like side...it is what it is and that's OK...:)Your album is beautiful...I made a few of these a few years back too...different from yours and a far cry from Lindsey work....but,they were fun..maybe I will give it another try soon...:)
    You two are both so blessed with creativity. I always love visiting you and seeing your wonderful creations,etc.
    Your knitted slippers are keeping my feet warm again as the weather is getting much cooler here....every time I slip them on I think of you...thank you again for them...blessings.

  12. I never knew others had such difficulty cutting those gorgeous papers! I just love to sit and look at them and I fear that I'll make a mess of my "pretties"!! But you have inspired me to take the plunge and create something new today. Thanks so much! And I love your work and style!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hello Twyla,
    I just love your creations!! Both you and your daughter are very talented. I have made some tags but I have not posted them because when I look at yours and other bloggers my creation can't compare :(
    I realize that everyone has there own creativity and I need to come out of my shell and blossom!
    Thank you for your inspiration!

  15. I am so glad you shared this. there is nothing wrong with sharing stuff that you have done before. We all need inspiration whether it is from the past or present.

  16. Sigh, drool! It's gorgeous! You are very talented, love the colors. Thanks for sharing, Nan

  17. Your style is drop dead gorgeous. I love your paperbag book.

    I know what you mean - I always have to have a project or two on my plate at any one time. I just can't sit and veg. out infront of the TV I have to be doing something.


  18. I think your style is wonderful. Truly, it is far beyond what I could do. I love what you said about creating. It's a need within me, as well.


  19. Twyla..I agree with you totally. I too am one who loves to try all sorts of crafts, arts, etc.
    Your book is beautiful and it certainly shows your style very well. I love it. Keep on creating.
    I am having a give away on my blog if you have a few mins, drop by, you could win. Am adding more stuff later on. No reason for the give away..just because I want to share!

    Smiles and Blessings,

  20. Hi Twyla,
    Your "style" is very pretty! I so agree with..creating is good for the soul"...I need to create this weekend!
    Have a nice evening.
    deb :)

  21. Hi Twyla,

    What an absolutely precious book you made. I happen to think that your daughter got her talent from you, so if you think she's better than you are amazing......it's true! Very pretty and soft looking, and I'm glad you stepped out of your comfort zone to do it.


  22. Love your paper bag book...I have made many of them...I so adore how yours turned out. My students at school have made them for projects.

    Hugs for creative week. xoxo

  23. Thanks for the inspiring post. Love the book. It gave me some ideas. I always enjoy looking at your work.

  24. It's a beautifully designed and created album !

  25. Hi Twyla! Love your album!.. so pretty and inspiring! I've been wanting to try my hand at these paper bag albums for some time, and your album just may well be the kick in the pants I need to start one! (and I like Koralee's idea to use them for home-school and sunday school/youth group projects! I'll have to dig out what papers and supplies I have on hand, so that I can at least get started! Have a great weekend! ~tina

  26. Love your album Twyla! I understand what you mean when you comment that the paper is almost too pretty to cut. But I just tell myself it's ONLY paper. That might help a little. Also if you use something then you can have "permission" to purchase more. Ha! Thanks for sharing!

  27. Thanks for the inspiration. I love the colors in this scrapbooking album--Ooh la la! Hugs, Nancy


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