Friday, November 26, 2010

Sugar Kissed Vignette

Hello Friends!
Welcome to our Sugar Kissed Christmas Vignette 2010!

Last year we created a vignette that became the vision of our event.

It is always our style to use every day vintage items in our vignettes.  The feeling
is Christmas holiday even though a lot of items are not Christmas decorations.

There are always lots of handmade items added to the arrangement and tutorials
for them will follow in the weeks to come.

We would encourage you to look back at last year's Sugar Kissed posts that
began on November 19th.  There are many great tutorials right up until Christmas.

Since it is a vintage style and the same color scheme, all the creations from last year will work just
as well with this year's!

The wreath is a collaboration of ours.  We will share how we created it soon!

The sweet kitty cookie jar was a favorite Christmas gift from Lindsey a few years ago.
Isn't it cute?!

We hope you enjoyed looking at our pictures and feel inspired to start creating
your own Sugar Kissed Christmas.

Last year Lindsey and I were discussing wanting to come up with a Christmas event
that would share crafts, decorating and ideas every day throughout the Christmas season.
Immediately our color scheme was set, it is our favorite.  Then we thought what could we
call it?  I, Twyla, came up with the name Sugar Kissed Christmas because it so
described what we were trying to convey.

We were so pleased that so many of you enjoyed it and we hope it
added to your holiday fun.  It is our desire to keep it just as fun and inspiring this year!
Have a wonderful day!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. It looks great and I like the vintage glass ornaments. Thank you for sharing....TALLULAH'S

  2. I realy love all of the beautiful vintage things I see. I think those little pink christmas trees, and the little house are standing so cute behind that window. And what a beautiful wreath!
    Thank you so much for this inspiring post. I will also visit your post from last year.
    Wish you both a great weekend.
    Hugs Ester

  3. I hope you and yours had a blessed day of thanksgiving. Sending sugar kisses and warm hugs your way for a wonderful weekend. Your sugar kissed tag was very sweet. And the crocheted giveaway as so beautiful. Best wishes, Tammy

  4. I remember last year's vignette and this one is just as awesome! My favorite pieces are the vintage pink vase and the decorated window with bows (love that look)! Thanks for sharing these treasures and your wonderful tutorials!

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend, my dear friends!
    Love and blessings,

  5. How beautiful! It gives me ideas on decorating my pink house for Christmas this year. I never knew how pretty red would look with the pink. Now I'm going back to look in your archives from last year since I didn't know you then. Hope you have a great weekend!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  6. LOVE it all and the name describes it perfectly! I so love visiting your blog, it is always a feast for the eyes. Have a wonderful weekend, Nan

  7. I love this time of the year on your blog because it brings both of your wonderful talents together! Twyla's crocheted tea pot cover with stacked thread is so sweet. Painted frame and wreath definitely have Lindsey's touch. Such fun for us! Elizabeth

  8. Morning my Pink Sugar Kissed Friends!
    I also love seeing your pretty Christmas decorating ideas, and picking up an idea or 2!! Your window is on my list of things to find. A tiny one would be awesome!
    I look forward to each day! Thanks for sharing all your ideas.
    deb :)

  9. Very pretty! You have such a knack for arranging things in such a beautiful way. If I tried to do that it would look like pink and white chaos :)
    I'm quite new to this blog so I'm off to look through your sugar kissed posts from last year. Thanks for sharing

  10. Thanks for sharing. It was so much to look through the pictures this morning, very inspiring. I can't wait for more Sugar Kissed ideas.

  11. I gasped when I saw your new header and continued gasping as I went through your post. Sooo much pink cuteness here today. I think the name you came up with is perfect. I look forward to seeing what else you have in store as we head towards Christmas.

  12. It is so two girls really amaze make a great decorating team...have a very blessed Christmas season....Shelley

  13. I love your pink Christmas vignette! I think you may have motivated me to get up off my lazy bum and start decorating. You notice I said "may". It would mean going out to the 28 degree garage to sort through my Christmas boxes!

  14. This sooo shows both of you!!!! And I just lvoe how it turned out! I bet every time you see it you giggle all over again! Happy happy Place! :):) Sandy

  15. very cute! sorry i haven't visited in "ages" i do read your posts from time to time, but am too rushed to comment:( work keeps me drained!

    how are you gals? creating lovely things as always:)

  16. Oooo! I love it! Last night, as I was putting on my sugar kissed house shoes, i was wishing on a star that you would do this again! I just love saying "Sugar Kissed Christmas"! Great name, Twyla! You girls are the bees kness! ♥

  17. Oh!!!! Very sweet! Love is all so pretty...:)


  18. Such sugary sweetness! I love it all,

    Victoria xx


Thank you so much for leaving us a comment! We LOVE each and every one!