Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Twyla Tuesday

Hello dear friends!
I hope you've all had a great week.
I want to thank you all for leaving sweet comments on October Afternoon's blog
in response to Lindsey being the guest designer this month.
I don't guess I have to tell you how proud I am of her.
Her designs were created through much work and consideration on
her part.  She totally put her heart in each of these creations.

I wanted to share with you a couple of my latest finds.
This sweet little Hull planter.  I'm loving pink and yellow together!

The vase is McCoy and I believe the planter is Shawnee.
Just little treasures that make me happy. 
I love coming home from the antique malls with items like these.

I have created a pattern for a crochet cap!
I plan to make several of these in different colors and list them in our
etsy shop.  If you have any requests let me know. 
I enjoy making them so much!  It is almost the season for them and
I think they would make great gifts!

Another thing I love is occasionally making myself an afghan.  Most of the time
I make things for other people or to sell, but this afghan is just for me!  It's soft and yummy
with it's mostly pastel color scheme.

Another thing I love is my bloggy friends.
By the way, I was curious about the word 'blog' and where it came from and
discovered that it began as the term 'web log' and just gradually got shortened
to 'blog'.  I thought that was very interesting.  It is so
wonderful that we can connect this way and share little bits of our
lives with one another.  I am continually in awe of the creative and inspiring women
in the world.  Whether you are an artist, a homaker or a collector, you all amaze me
with your wisdom, hospitality and grace in inviting us into your corners of the world.
Thank you so much for making my life so full.
Wishing you all much happiness this week!


  1. I love those sweet vases!! I wish I could crochet, so cute!

  2. I just love the muted colors of this pottery & have several pieces myself!
    As always, your crocheting is beautiful!

  3. Love those cuties! The hat is precious and OMG the afghan is gorgeous!

    Enjoy your day my friend! I know you are so proud of Lindsey!


  4. Good morning Twyla,
    I have the same thoughts as you about blogging. I love it! It is a phenomenal way to interact with like minded women from all over the Earth. I just started blogging in May and have since made so many new friends.
    I have not checked out Lindsey's work, but I will.
    I love your new treasures. I would have brought them home myself if I had found them! Too cute!
    I love the cap!! Gotta check out your Etsy shop!!
    Warm hugs, Laura

  5. Oh Twyla, I'm glad you made yourself an afghan and your treasures are just adorable! I'm loving Pink and Yellow right now, too- especially since I bought my high chair.

    I own several knited winter caps but they get on my nerves! I tend to wear bubushka (?) type scarves instead and have been wondering if I could commision you to make me one? I'll e mail you with further details. ♥

  6. Those vases/planters are precious - I love that kind of finds myself! And your afghan is lovely, very 'cuddle-worthy'! Blessings, Becky G.


  7. The aqua McCoy vase is really pretty! And the afghan you made is gorgeous. I love the edge.
    You certainly have every right to be proud of your daughter. What a little gem.

  8. Love your finds and your sweet handy work...blessings

  9. It's so nice that you made time to make yourself an afghan too! The colors are so pretty, and the edging just makes it really special. I love your little treasures that you brought home from the antique mall. It doesn't take much to make us happy, does it?!

  10. Hi Twyla!
    Thank you so much for your kind words for my father! He is home now and doing well. :)
    I'm so sorry I am so behind with all of your news over here. I am feeling postively exhausted, between my husband having been home for two months for summer vacation and then my father going into the hospital. I will look forward to catching up with you and Lindsey.
    Lindsey's album is so darling, she is so talented. How very exciting for Lindsey (and all of you)!
    Happy week to you both,

  11. I'm so glad that you took the time to make yourself that beautiful afghan.
    Your latest finds are so cute. Love them all.
    I agree with your feelings about blogging. I can't even express what it has added to my life. Was there really life before blogging ;) ??

  12. Oh my gosh...I didn't know that about the word BLOG! Wow!

    See...I ALWAYS learn something when I visit you...you get my creative energy flowing, too!


  13. I love your vintage finds! Your hat and blanket are very beautiful, love those colors!! :)

  14. This post was so sweet of you. I love the pink and yellow together too. It reminds me of ice cream cones or something yummy like that.

    I too share your sentiment over blog friends. It's been an amazing journey of hearts that care and are faithful. I've loved every single minute of it including coming here.

  15. Twyla, It is you who inspire so many of us with your continuing positive attitude and words of encouragement. Might I order a hat in black for the month of November for my daughter. She is only allowed to wear black where she works, and she loves hats. This would be perfect for the winter! Have a lovely week ahead! E

  16. I love your afghan! So pretty. I also love all your vintage cards you have so many cute ones. Thanks for sharing.


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