Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear friends!    You guys are the best!
You were so sweet to me last week when I was feeling so guilty about my hoarding issues.
Because you were so understanding and appreciate my collections, I'll share a few of my
lastest treasures.  This Little Miss Muffet is from 1943 and by Napco.  I think she is pretty rare.

No sticker left on this one so I don't know who her maker is, but she was too
cute to pass up ;) and I hoard planters, you know.

This prettly little girl in blue is by Lefton and is also a planter.

This is a little drawer I've used as a shelf to display some of my thrifted finds
and flea market goodies.  Aren't the colors yummy?

I have such a passion for old prints and really have to fight my addiction to them.
This one is in such a beautiful wooden frame.

This is such a lovely lady in a beautifully carved wooden frame that I picked up
for a song.  Don't you love that saying?  If I'd had to sing for it, I don't
think they would have let me had it :(

One of the features that I used to love in Where Women Create is the interview with different artists.
The question that always fascinates me most is 'How old would you be if you did not know
how old you were?' 
I've pondered this question a lot myself.  I am thinking I could be very happy
being 40.  As much as I dreaded turning that age, I really consider that to be the beginning of
a great period in my life.  I'd just lost 100 lbs. and was feeling better than I ever had, had a great family and
and soon to buy our first home.  Creativity has always been in my life from a very young age, but I
began exploring different mediums then.  I painted murals, took up scrapbooking and rediscovered my
love for crochet.
Yes, 40 I shall be!
How old would you be?!
Have a wonderful day, my dears!


  1. Oh, what a lovely post, Twyla! Love all your planters and sweet little ladies...I LOVE Lefton pieces, and your Little Miss Muffett is so sweetly charming!

    40 was a pretty good year, I have to agree...and I really do think I'm happier now at almost 50 than I've ever been as an adult...funny, huh?!

    Hope you're having a wonderful night, my friend!


  2. I am SO jealous! What gorgeous goodies you have!

  3. Oh how I love your little planters. They are delightful. Enjoyed dropping by as always. :)

  4. I too love planters.... Yours are great!
    How old would I be??? Where I am now... 58 (soon to be 59). In inspite of health issues these last few years have been the best!
    Have a Great Day!

  5. Hiya Twyla,

    OMG your collection is amazing, I'm so jealous. What's even neater is that someone that loves them, has them, and is caring for them.


  6. Hi Twyla:
    Love your sweet pieces today, but I think my favorites are the pitcher with the roses on it, and the planter to match.

    YOU lost 100#s?!!! I'm inspired! I'm currently at a weight that I don't like. Menopause, moving from a 6-level house in WI to a single story in hot FL...I gained 40#s just moving here! You really are a role model!

    If I could be any age, I think I'd choose 35 again. I'm happy at my current age of 55, but you asked, and I chose 35. I'd been married 5 years, I was at my ideal weight and I was having a ball. I have an "older ball" now...but 35 was great! Thanks for asking.

    You lost 100#s...wow!

  7. I just adore "little Miss Muffett". All of your treasures are lovely. Well I'm 62 and retired, it's been so wonderful for me, I'm writing a book, returning to all the artistic things I did before we worked to put two kids through College. My 4 grandchildren give me so much joy. I think I love the age I'm at now.

  8. The colors in your drawer display *are* yummy!

    If I didn't know how old I was???? Based on how i feel after taking care of the grands for 12 days, I'd say I was a young exhausted mother in my 20s! Ask me next week! ♥

  9. Little Miss Muffet is so adorable. I agree with Meri (above) that it is great these items come to you to be cared for.:)
    How old would I be...47, my current age..as I feel the best me is always the current me. Of course, there is always room for improvement though ;)
    Happy Tuesday!

  10. I love all of your collections! We must totally have the same taste - I would choose every single thing you've shown myself.
    I do not know how old I would be.

  11. You go girl, 100lbs.. Wow!!! You look marvelous!
    Lets see what age would I want to be,I think the age I am now... every year has been a learning experience for me to get where I am today. I have a great husband, enjoyed having my babies and watching them grow into beautiful young women.Life has been good, So I say embrace the age you are and enjoy your life....never look back with regret just move forward with all the gusto.
    Big hugs, Elizabeth

  12. If I had to pick I'd pick the top little Miss Muffett so darn cute. But I love each and everyone of your darling finds.

  13. Such beautiful things. Don't ever stop your hoarder. I have fought the battle of food forever...in fact I just blogged about my latest diet today. Congratulations on your big loss. That is something to really be proud of!

    Suz (stop by and visit our blog sometime, if you like. We are pretty new and not all about jewelry...at all!)


  14. Hmmm,let's see. At my age soon to be 71 in October any age less sounds good to me. I think I would choose anywhere in my thirties. I certainly had a lot more energy way back then.

    I loved all your collections, there just isn't anything better than a junk, thrift, vintage, antique store, especially if we are lucky enough to find something special.

  15. What treasures! I love them all! I have way too many collections of my own!
    Hugs, LIsa

  16. Hi Tywla,
    AWESOME little girl planters! You find great goodies!
    I'm so past 40...being 55 isn't so bad as I think I'm still 40-ish!
    deb :)

  17. Love your planters - I collect mostly baby planters, but I do have one of the Napco nursery rhyme ones.
    I would like to be 18 again, blissfully innocent of all the hard times I would have in my life.

  18. Twyla, be still my muffet heart! What wonderful planters you have in your collection. The last photograph is just lovely, so you. Again I am always inspired by all that you share with us and the gentle way that you have reflects so beautifully in your words. Elizabeth

  19. I love the Lefton planter! I have one beauty of a planter...and haven't found another I like as much to add to the one I have...so 1 it will be.

    As for the age I'd be, if I didn't know how old I was...it would be...can I pick 2 ages? LOL!!! I'd be 30!! (Gee, that's HALF the REAL age I am NOW!!) I would re-do all of the GREAT things I did since then...add a whole bunch more and SKIP all the GARBAGE and BAD CHOICES I made between then and NOW.

    But, WAiT!! If I changed everything in the past 30 years, I wouldn't be the wonderful, enthusiastic, get-'er done Jan that I am NOw...at my other perfect age...60!!! LOL!!


  20. I would like to stay happily at age 8. Life in Once Upon a Fairyland was magical with no major decisions, no big tough stuff. I had safety and huge love both from my parents and Mother Goose and all my Fairyland friends. Those were the days my friend, I thought they'd never end.

  21. Hi Twyla, I would definitely say that 40 is when I started making many positive changes in my life. I lost 30 lbs and changed my eating habits; have tried my hand at so many different crafts and projects thanks to blogging this past year. I certainly don't want to go backwards -- looking forward is so much brighter. Best wishes, Tammy

  22. I would like to exchange links with your site twocrazycrafters.blogspot.com
    Is this possible?


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