Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Photos From CHA

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to share photos that I took of the incredible Tim Holtz and his amazing work!
Here he is showing demos of his newest products. He is VERY hard to get to see up close, as he always has quite a crowd around his table. I watched him for about 2 hours and managed to get closer.

He is so much fun to watch and very inspiring! Very kind too! I manged to get a small signed ATC from him along with all the other ladies at his table.

Here are photos taken at his Ideaology booth. Tim Holtz has products in several different booth because of his collaboration with other companies.
This cool old cart belongs to Tim, which he purchased just for this display and it held vintage glass ornaments.

These next 2 photos are of neat projects created by Tim's design team.

I love Tim's new deep shadow boxes! I can't wait to make one!

These were tags created by Tim for the Stampers Anonymous booth, where they carry Tim's amazing stamp line!

Thank you for visiting us today!

I still have lots more photos of inspiring ideas to share with you soon!

Wishing you a crafty day, Lindsey


  1. My daughter just adores Tim Holtz & I can't wait to show her this post!! She just got his book all autographed & he is such a nice man....
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  2. Beautiful creations, wish I could have been there too! Enjoy your day Lindsey! Thanks for sharing these gorgeous works of art:)

  3. Hi Ladies,

    I was fortunate enough to take one of Tim's classes and see him up close for 3 hours!!!

    Stop by and see your pink puppy, as he'll soon be on his way to you!


  4. Wonderful inspiring photos! Glad you are having fun!!

  5. How thrilling to see Tim Holtz creating live! His work is indescribable...and a signed ATC of his-swoon!

  6. Wish I could have gone to CHA this time--it's amazing, isn't it?! Got to see Tim at Winter CHA--ran into him a couple of times out at dinner and right behind him in the line at the airport going home, his booth displays!

    Can't wait to see all his Christmas stuff! Thanks for sharing the photos, Lindsey!

    Hope you're both having a wonderful day!


  7. Your blog is fast becoming a favorite of mine. How wonderful that you got to meet Tim Holtz. I have recently started to work on some vintage items and I absolutely love his stuff. Can't wait to get more. I love all the Barbie stuff. I was and will always be a barbie girl. Just love them. I was very young when they first came out and I had to have one. Our local toy store ran out fast and my mom managed to get me a Midge doll. That was my very first and it was the start of a lifetime love. I was hooked. I have passed my collections on to my children and granddaughter and still love to play with her with them.
    I have been a needleworker for years and lately have been getting into so many other things. Your blog is so very inspiring. Take care xoxoxo

  8. Oh! What a fun shopping cart display! ♥

  9. Lucky you. I have admired Tim's work for many years, and to be in the same room with him...a thrill indeed.

  10. Oh you lucky girl. There is Tim Holz, what a guy. I always say that Tim Holz did for crafting what Sarah Jessica Parker did for fashion. I got to take a class on book binding by Tim. He is as talented as amazing teaching his craft. What fun to attend CHA.


  11. Love seeing Tim! I have some of his products and books. He used to
    appear on Carol Duval's show where I would see him and his great ideas. Glad you enjoyed the event.

    Have a great day.
    Smiles and Blessings,

  12. What a fun and inspiring time! Thanks for sharing the pics.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  13. Tim is a visitor to my favorite scrapbook store in Mesa, I think he lives over here somewhere in AZ?????? He does classes once in a great while....I am not so much into his look or feel but I do love his products! And I would seriously hurt someone if they got in my way for that supermarket cart full of vintage Christmas ornaments!!!! LOL LOL Can't wait to see the OA Modern Homemaker line!!!!!!!!

  14. How cool! I love Tim's stuff!! Lucky you!!

  15. I just discovered your blog through my youngest daughter. So much crafty goodness going on here!
    You have a new follower...:)
    Blessings to you,

  16. Ohlala! I adore that wonderful talented Tim Holz. Looks like lots of great stuff coming out!

    I bet you loved every minute of being at CHA. Glad you got to go.

    Hugs, Cory/Dogwood

  17. He's amazing, I'd love to watch him in action live. I saw some of the displays from his blog, just truly creative. Thanks for sharing, hope you had a great time!

  18. Very interesting post as I've not heard of Tim.

    My first time at your blog here and I love it that you are a mother-daughter team! How fun!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Have a great weekend!

  19. Thanks for sharing your adventures at the convention. Tim truly is an inspiration,and if you ever have a chance to take on of his classes, you simply must! I took one several years ago and had a great time. Love your photos! Thank you for joining my blog followers. ~ Angela

  20. how fun!

    (i am having a big blogging catch-up session tonight.)

    happy weekend!


  21. I've never heard of Tim Holtz way up here in Canada, but that's why I love to read your blog; I'm always learning something new.


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