Sunday, August 1, 2010

Birthday Postcards

Hello Friends!

These are some of the lovely postcards I received for my 'postcard'
birthday.  It was a wonderful theme for me because I have such a love for these
old cards. 

To think these cards have survived 100 years or longer.  I like to think of them as
enduring endearments.

Have a beautiful day!


  1. Hi Twyla...
    What wonderful postcards! You really have some fabulous cards in your collection, and these will be right at home. I was especially touched by your comment that they have survived over 100 years. They're in safe hands now!

  2. Twyla,
    Those are so special. Did you declare this your "postcard birthday"? What a super idea! I love the ones below, too.

  3. Enduring Endearment? But I thought that was your nickname name! LOL!

  4. I love the roses in the first postcard! thanks a lot for sharing!

  5. Thank you Twyla, they are gorgeous! I wish I would run across some of these to share with you:) Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  6. Ooo! I love a Yellow and Pink Rose! I love Forget Me Nots too, though! I'm glad you had such a great birthday, Twyla! ♥

  7. I just love that folks back then took such care in communicating and expressing themselves. They took the time and effort to find beautiful postcards, put their thoughts downs (in beautiful handwriting most times I might add), spend the money on postage and then take it to the post office ~ while we've diminished that whole process to a quick "TTFN" text on a cell phone......Sad.

    Ironically, I've just read a post over at "A Cottage State of Mind" about some letter Dawn found in her attic between a lady and her husband written in WW II and her efforts to leave Denmark....that would be lost today.

  8. Hi Twyla...
    The sweet thing about collecting these are they take up so little space. I love to read the notes on the back...sweet sentiments. It's reading back in time. I often imagine who was who and where they are now. Have they passed from this world and are they watching us from heaven taking a peek at their past?

    Please let Lindsey know that today I posted that Barbie color book on my blog.
    May today be love filled and happy for you and yours.

  9. I, too, love and collect these gorgeous antique cards. You surely received some gorgeous examples, Twyla!!

  10. Oh Twyla! I'm so very sorry I'm late in wishing you a Happy Birthday! I love that you had a postcard themed birthday, so very perfect for you and so very sweet. Thank you as always for sharing your lovely cards with us.

    Happy happy Belated Birthday!

    P.S. Oh! I just remembered ... I posted about a quilt show we went to last weekend and one of the photos I took, I took with you in mind. A little white doggie on a quilt, for Twyla and her beloved doggies. :)

  11. They're beautiful and aged to perfection...wish someone could say that about me! ~giggle~

  12. Oh Twyla, you are a lucky girl! I find those cards at the antique malls all the time, and I've picked up one or two, but they sell them out here for anywhere from $3 to $6 each........way too expensive to collect. When I'm lucky enough to find them at a dollar or less.........I snap em up! Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Love ya'

  13. There are a total of 85 multiple choice questions on the final exam. offers a font of free graphics of dog paw prints. I am much taller today than when I was born and did not give one conscious thought to making that happen.


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