Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello dear friends!
I want to thank you all for your sweet birthday greetings to me this past weekend.
I had such a nice birthday and received so many beautiful old postcards
that I am anxious to share with you.  This one is 'one' of my favorites!

My latest afghan is a granny square afghan.
I just loved these colors together.  I have to hand it to Lindsey because
she is the one who suggested these lovely colors together.

It is now for sale in our etsy shop.  You can imagine how many
afghans I have accumulated since I've become obsessed with making them!
I simply have too many to use or display, although my kids are always speaking up for them!

I have been doing some rearranging on a bookcase in my living room.
I found this old print at a flea market in our area.  I absolutely adore old prints! 
This one is a Paul de Longpre and is dated 1901. 
I put together this vignette to highlight it.


Thank you all for stopping by!
Enjoy your day!


  1. OH WOW... Your floral Paul DeLongpre is beautiful!! He is one of my favorite painters.
    Lovely afghan!
    Have a Great Day!!

  2. Hi Twyla,

    I'm so glad you had a great birthday. I love the vignette you set up, it compliments the print perfectly. Have a great week ahead.

    Lot's of hugs,

  3. WOW, I love the postcard and that GORGEOUS afghan! You are so talented to be able to create such beauty!

    That picture is so pretty and you certainly created the most flattering vignette to go with it!

    Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!

  4. Good morning, Twyla! Your post card and afghan match! ☺

    I'm so impressed with your knowledge of artists... I don't really know any but I like the print that you found! I like the rectangleness of it! I don't think I've ever owned a print that size and shape.

    Keep celebrating that birthday- K? ♥

  5. Hi Twyla:
    LOTS of eye candy today, my friend. I really like the colors you (I mean, Lindsey) chose for the granny afghan. Perfect! Thank you for the postcard, too. It's a beautiful image.
    Have a great day, girls.

  6. Happy Birthday Twyla!! Looks like you had a great one :)

    What a pretty vignette to go along with your vintage picture....I love old pictures too, that one you found is so pretty...seems like the oblong ones are hard to come by aren't they?

    The colors for your new afghan are beautiful together...Lindsey did wonderful selecting them...and Twyla you amaze me at how fast you crochet...you are so talented...by the way, did you give this afghan a name yet? It's always fun to see what name you come up with for each afghan :)
    Hope you girls have a happy week...
    Big hugs,

  7. Happy Birthday and I love the afghan as usual! ~Shelley O.

  8. Happy Birthday and I love the afghan as usual! ~Shelley O.

  9. Hi Sweetie,that is such a beautiful print and you have it displayed so wonderfully....your latest afghan is great...great color combination...today is my own mama's B-D...she is 78....I pray I have her many more years....blessings to the both of you...love,Shelley

  10. Twyla, your afghans are so wonderful! I been wanting to ask if you might set aside the one in my colors (red,blue,yellow) until the month of September. I have been saving up for it as it matches the granny one I made in these colors. I just love it! Please let me know! Your home is filled with such beautiful treasures! I received the cherries and have sent them on their way. They are too cute for words! Thank you again so much for taking the time to make them! Elizabeth

  11. Thank you for sharing the sweet birthday postcard with us! (Happy Belated Birthday!)
    I am really loving the colors in your afghan ~ one of the prettiest combinations I've seen!
    Your vignette is so pretty with the DeLongpre print! I love his paintings, also!
    Be Blessed today!

  12. Love your Blog...i LOVE Barbies and Vintage! Wonderful! :)

  13. So sorry I missed your birthday! But here I am wishing you all the happiness of the coming year and a fabulous day today!
    Love and good wishes!


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