Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello ladies!
As you know I love searching for vintage images and often the reason is because
I love sharing these beauties with all of you!
I found this little lovely last weekend.  It is a postcard and the first one I have ever found that
has a cloth like cover.  I believe the picture is printed on the fabric that feels like silk.
It is pretty worn, but the beauty is still there.

Shortly after I last shared a picture of one of my afghans I had an email from Sandy of 521 Lake Street
Would I make a special order afghan?  Would I?!   It made me very happy that
she is pleased with her afghan.  You can read about it here.

Problem is, I love making them so much that I can't stop myself.  I am having such fun with
color.  I also love naming my afghans.  The one above I call Pink Lemonade.

This one is Strawberry Fields.

This one I call Granny's Garden.
This picture below shows the detail of how I finish the edges of the afghans.

The one below is called Playdate.  I have never been very good at tooting my own horn,
but I have decided to list these afghans in our etsy and invite you to take a look.
I think they would look great as accents in your home.

I'll close this week with this little plate that I also found this past weekend.  It is made in
Japan and should have wicker handles.  I didn't mind the fact that the handles were gone because
I am going to string ribbon through the top two holes and hang it on the wall.

Thank you, friends, for stopping by our place today and letting me share a little bit of
my world with you.
Wishing you all much happiness!


  1. Thank you for the lovely image! I believe it is by Frances Brundage.

  2. Playdate and Strawberry Fields is my favorite but they are all wonderful. I get to smile each time I see your afghans and think fondly of my mom crocheting her afghans just like yours.
    Thanks as always for the memories.

  3. ooooooohhhhhhh, I love that plate! I think it'll look quite nice with ribbon strung through the holes. Lovely. - Kathy

  4. Good morning Twyla, I'm off to work but wanted to begin my day with a hello to you. I am enjoying your fun in creating each of your afghans and the names that you choose. I think that makes them all the more special. Sandy's afghan turned out wonderful! Have a great week ahead! Elizabeth

  5. They are just gorgeous!!!! You have done such a beautiful job!!! :) ~Shelley O.

  6. I saw the afghan that you made for Sandy last week, and the colors were just perfect for her! And I saw the one that you so kindly sent to Holly as a housewarming gift. I just love the lacy edges of your afghans. They make me want to learn to crochet really badly!

  7. The PostCard with the little girl is so sweet.

    Your Afgans are just beautiful.


  8. Morning Twyla,
    Your afhgans are very pretty and great names :)
    The dish will look awesome on the wall.
    Happy Tuesday!
    Deb :)

  9. Love all your wonderful afghan names, Twyla! All the colors are wonderful. I slept with mine last night and covered my lap with it this morning! I love to look at it. :)

    That plate is really pretty. I hope you show us when you have it hanged. I've never seen a plate with whicker handles. How did you know it was supposed to have them?

    Have a great day, sweet friend! ♥

  10. Thanks for stopping by my newly "revived" blog!Love this blog,I'll be back!
    Carol in GA

  11. Good Morning Twyla! What lovely afghans and I love that you name them. I have made about 4 afghans in my life and one I gave to my Dad and Step Mum. I haven't done it in years! I'll will be sure to see what you've done in your Etsy shop! I hope you had a wonderful 4th and I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday...Maura :)

  12. Being a fellow crocheter I absolutely love your afghans!!

  13. Oh Twyla, Those are beautiful afgans. You really need to link up to the Meme I Co-Host over at Etsy Cottage Style Blog for Market Monday. You are not late..it runs the Whole week and it's open to everyone! Hope to see ya there.
    Brown Gingham Creation
    Apronation, and Co-Host for ECS

  14. You should toot your own horn because those afghans are beautiful. Mine took me over a year to complete. You must have some fast crochet skills!!

  15. Your afghans are so pretty Twyla.
    Could you tell me what yarn you are using. Looks so lovely on the photos please?
    Love Suex

  16. Such a beautiful post card Twyla! And I love your dish, I've never seen anything like it before. Was it intended to hold something?

    Yeah! You go! Your afghans are lovely. Wishing you much success!


  17. Your afghans are beautiful!! You combine the colors so well. I love your plate too!

  18. Such pretty work. Love the names you choose, there perfect. That post card pic is so sweetly adorable. Love it, I wish I had a large print of it for my bedroom. I have a similiar one, but that one is adorable.

  19. Hi Twyla!
    hope your week is going great!
    The Afghans are soo awesome! and the names you've given them fit perfectly!
    You're making me want to Crochet! and I haven't done that in years!
    You and Lindsey always find the best things! I have to aquire a keen eye like you have!
    thanks for your latest post. xo

  20. I love love love your afghans. The colors you put together are fabulicious! (A family word .. lol) Your plate is a great find. Just lovely!

  21. These is very good to share with in these there are so many things which is really great. The colours which you can put togather is really very fabulous.

  22. What a great resource!


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