Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pink Saturday

Hello friends!
Today for Pink Saturday I am sharing two vintage dolls in pink dresses.
I found both little cuties at flea markets recently! This little doll which I named Annette, just had the sweetest face!

This little Edward Mobley 1962 rubber doll was just too sweet! I love the little pink teddy bear she has in her arms!

Thank you to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound for hosting this event!
Have a lovely weekend, Lindsey


  1. What little sweeties you've found, Lindsey! So glad you shared them tonight!


  2. Women with dolls! My kinda gals! HPS! Come see me soon as I am kicking up my teapot giveaways! Hugs Anne

  3. Oh looks like a Madame Alexander no its a Horseman doll.....What a beautiful girl either way~

  4. We will never be to old to buy dolls!
    happy pink saturday..
    ~ Ann

  5. Both dolls are gorgeous but the rubber one is just the cutest!

    Have a great weekend,

    Victoria xx

  6. Sweet dollies...thanks for your previous post as well...little golden books are a favorite of mine... especially the vintage ones....have a blessed Saturday...

  7. These are the sweetest little dolls :) Happy Pink Saturday to you!!

    Warmest always, Brenda

  8. Beautiful treasures! The firs one is so cute!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. So sweet! I especially like the little Mobley doll. She's adorable!

  10. I think we are all little girls living inside a grown up body. I still love dolls and enjoy playing with my grand daughters. Your finds are just perfect. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  11. Annette is SUCH a beautiful doll!

  12. How fun...a mother/daughter blog. Obviously, you two are very close. What a blessing. My daughter and I are very close too...though we each have our own separate blogs.

    Anyhow, LOVE the dolls. I am such a lover of all things vintage.

    Have a lovely Pink Saturday,
    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  13. Dontcha love vintage dolls? They have the sweetest faces. I wish doll makers would go back to that.

    Thanks for sharing!


  14. Love these sweet dolls...she's adorable holding her little toy. Happy Pink Saturday, have a lovely week..

  15. Aww how cute! Happy Pink Saturday ladies. I hope you will have time to stop by and see my contribution to the party.

  16. These are so sweet, and the face on the first one is just angelic! She really caught my eye! Thanks for sharing! :)

  17. She's adorable!So cute!
    Happy Pink Saturday!!

  18. Hi Lindsey, Is your mother not feeling well? Such cute dolls with such sweet faces. I'm so sad to hear they have closed the Roy Rogers museum in Branson. I had so looked forward to visiting it on my someday travels there. That's okay, there is still the TCC's to visit! Elizabeth

  19. Awwwww...I LOVE both of these dollies, especially the first one. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  20. VERY Sweet! At first look, I thought she was a Madame Alexander doll too. They had the sweetest little faces.

    Great finds!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  21. Oh my gosh! I have the same little rubber doll. My grandmother gave it to me on my very first Christmas almost 50 years ago now! Now I just have to remember where she is. Thanks for bringing back such happy memories! If I remember, the doll squeaks when squeezed. I'm calling my mom right now to see if the doll is in my "baby box"

  22. All the dolls come out to play on this very fine June day.

    Thank you God for Lindsey who rescued these dolls...Love Dolly Mama and doll friends...Smiling.

  23. Those two dolls are so sweet. When I was little, I loved playing with my dolls. My mom made such darling clothes for my doll. I actually still have her. She is kind of falling apart. I named her Sally. I have no idea why.

    Have a fun day. Dogwood

  24. I must agree she has the sweetest face I just love your Annette!

  25. Oh what a sweetie!! I love treasures like these!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  26. I am really enjoying your blog. Paper crafting is a love of mine, particularly collecting old children;s books and primers. I just got a major haul (two sacks full) at an estate sale for a song. I am trying to get the courage to work them into some of my tags!

    My daughter and I have a relatively new blog...less then three months. Come and visit sometime if you would like! It's really not all about jewelry! We have so many craft and art loves!


  27. Oh these two dolls are just too cute. I would want them too if I saw them. Nan

  28. I'm still visiting all great Pinkies! So happy belated Pink Saturday to you! Love your post, thank you for sharing! Esther XX

  29. Lindsey, Your timing on this post is oh so sweet.
    We are having a family reunion in two weeks. We are re-creating a picture where us granddaughters had recieved red checkered aprons from our grandmother for Christmas in 1965. In that picture I am hold a little rubber doll. I never knew what that doll was and all the "older" generation is now gone that might have know what it was. Thanks to your blog post I now know it was a Edward Mobley doll. Thank you Thank you, I am off now to see if I can find one before the 24th! This is so great! Thanks!!

  30. AAAhhhh...such sweet dollies! They really make me smile! ♥


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