Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Adventures At The Scrap Therapy Retreat

Hello friends!
Today I wanted to share with you photos of a scrapbooking retreat that I worked last weekend!

Most of you know, but for those of you that might not, I work at a Scrapbook store! It's a fun and crazy job and I enjoy it! Twice a year our store has weekend retreats. We allow about 40 scrappers to come and experience a weekend that you will never forget! We plan themes and games and goodies for months in advance to prepare and this past weekend was the first time I had volunteered to work.

Our theme was Scrap Therapy! We headed to a beautiful camp on Thursday April 29 and came back on May 2nd.  All of our cute nurse and doctor decorations were handmade by Brenda, a very sweet friend.

I had no idea what I was in for. I knew that it was a lot of work for just 3 people to set up a full store, but I could not even imagine how long and exhusting it would be.
We started setting up at 10:00 a.m. and did not finish until 10:00 that night! This photo only shows one section of our fully stocked store!

Our crop room was surrounded by windows and although it rained all weekend I managed to get this photo of the view from our crop room on the last morning.

Here I am, teaching a free make-n-take, which is a small project that was free to anyone to make. I am teaching a mini album made from a folded file folder. I also taught another make-n-take and 2 classes during the weekend.

We had such a fun group of ladies! These two wild girls posed for a photo that I took during my class.

This is my two buddies, Becky and Brenda, in between helping the croppers and watching the store we would try and get a little crafting in ourselves. After the first day I gave them both nicknames. The one on the left is Ethel and the one on the right is Lucy.  My off and on nickname has been The Young Chick, as I work with mostly older women.
Hee hee!! See my can of Rockstar at the bottom of the photo? I brought a whole case with me to give me enough energy to keep going all weeknd!


 I took this photo early one morning before most of the croppers had woken up. Can you believe most croppers stayed up until 2 or 3 a.m.? A few even stayed up all night!
Look at all the stuff they bring!! I think they bring everything they own! It was quite a sight to see!


As part of our Scrap Therapy theme, two of the boss's crazy friends who where there in charge of snacks
suprised us all! We knew they were getting ready to bring eveyone a pill bottle full of M&Ms, but I could not figure out why everyone thought it was so funny until they got closer and OH MY! They had purchased fake 'behinds' at a party store and were wearing gowns to create quite a stir amongst the ladies as they handed out the bottles!

They did have shorts on that they rolled up their legs!
We had a quite a wild and crazy weekend!

I am so glad to be home! Between working and talking, I didn't get much scrapping done for myself, but I did manage to start creating one project that I can't wait to share with you all soon!

Hope you enjoyed seeing my adventure!
Have a crafty day, Lindsey


  1. Okay....that's just hilarious, Lindsey! I would have just had a cow if I'd seen that in person!

    What a fun experience for you! I'll bet they loved what you taught them--you always do such a beautiful job with your tutorials!

    Have a wonderful night--both of you!

  2. Oh My Gosh, waaaaay too funny. They are a brave couple of gals! Looks like a whole lotta fun!

  3. Fake behinds I've never heard of them that is so funny. Scrapping is certainly popular in your state I had no idea.

  4. When I looked at the 1st pic of the fake behinds I thought What is going on??!! What a hoot!!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!
    Have a Great Day!!

  5. Wow, what a fantastically creative weekend and a lovely place to work with that view too. Those two snack ladies are a hoot. I can just imagine what they were like!

  6. That looks like a really super fun weekend! and I love the snack ladies..very brave the pair of them.
    Em xx

  7. Oh my gosh, Lindsey, those fake behinds are SO-ooo FUNNY!!!! ~tina

  8. Looks like a fun weekend! And I so need some of those fake behinds! I just know my hubby would wear one to work!

  9. What a busy bee you were!! Oh my goodness!! You made me laugh out loud with the shots of the fake butts!!! It looks like you combined lots of hard work with lots of fun!! :)

    ~ Wendy

  10. Now you might need a little therapy. What a busy time for you-it did look like fun though. Love the fake bottoms! Too cute.


  11. Oh, good grief!!! Now that's just not right!!! giggle-giggle and chuckle too! Looks like a ton of work but 2 tons of fun!!!

  12. Scrap the idea.....Dianne

  13. Lindsey, that's so funny, I mean the women and their butts, that is! It looks like heaven for the scrappers and a lot of work for you! But I would have LOVED it! Suzie

  14. Sounds like you both had a great time at the scrap retreat. I've never been to any kind of craft event other then shows. Maybe someday there will be one close to where I live. Thanks for following my blog. I'll be following yours also. Have a great Mothers day. Blessings, Carol Mae

  15. A lot of fun and work combined!!
    LOL.....I love the "behinds". Too cute!

  16. Those fake behinds are the funniest thing I have ever seen...where in the world did you find them? This weekend looks like so much fun and a whole lot of work.I would love to attend something like that!


  17. Hi Lindsey,
    What FUN!! Love the "butts'. I bet you were tired. I haven't been to one of those stamp/camp weekends. I have heard they are awesome.
    Deb :)

  18. Oh, wow...that looks like way too much fun! I wish I was in attendance!

  19. Thanks ladies do pop by again..

  20. looks like a whole lot of laughter therapy took place too!

  21. Lindsey, I remember your first posts and your dreaded job at fast food hoping for your dream job. Here you are, and it is the most joyful thing to see. What lucky ladies to have you as their teacher! Elizabeth

  22. OMG! Those little booties are so funny! I bet you had a blast! Good for you!



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