Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Twyla on Tuesday

Hello ladies!
You know I love sharing my collections with you. 
I love old prints in antique frames.
This little girl is one of my favorites.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned my cup collection.  I like to play with them and
arrange them in different vignettes.  All these cups are from the late 1800's and early
1900's, made in Germany.  They are so beautiful and a thrill to find one.

This is a really large one!  A perfect place to gather some of my favorite vintage sewing items
and old handmade lace.

I so appreciate you coming to spend some time with me today.
It's been a long month for us.  First, my dad had surgery and a week ago my husband's
back went out.  It is keeping me preoccupied and I really miss visiting you all as much as I like.

Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon and I can spend as much time in blogland as I like.
I found this cute planter in an antique booth a couple of weeks ago. 
Who could resist the sweet little doggie faces?

Wishing you all much happiness!


  1. Cute collections! And the way you display them are great....Julian

  2. I love your cup collection! You really have a talent for displaying such beautiful vignettes! Sorry to hear about your dad and hubby. I hope they are doing better. Thank you so much for your kind comments and to follow my blog. You really brightened my day!
    Hugs and glitter, Patti

  3. I love your pretty cup collection and that vintage planter! I also collect vintage planters.
    Sorry to hear about your Dad and husband. Hope everything in your household gets back to normal soon!
    Hugs, Ann

  4. Your cup collection is lovely but the Puppy Planter is adorable!! Hope all turns well for you & yours!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  5. I hope your family members are on the mend and get better soon! My hubbie had an accident this week, so I feel your pain. I love seeing your collections, thanks for sharing!

  6. Praying the sick ones are feeling better. Love your cup collection - I have my eye on that pink, white, and blue one on the top!Your little girl and planter are precious, too. God bless!

  7. I hope May will be a more relaxing month for you, Twyla! Love the puppy palnter. ♥

  8. Such lovely collections, Twyla--I love those cups!

    So sorry about all those hard things you're dealing with right now...I sure hope your Dad and hubby are feeling better quickly!

    Hope your day is wonderful today!

  9. Ouch for you..we know how the hubbies can be..lol

    Your collection is unique. I didn't know there were such beautiful cups still out there after all these years.
    The pup planter is adorable.

    Come back soon..you are missed.

    Hugs..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  10. I love the way you display your collections :) you have quite the knack! xo

  11. Good Morning Twyla & Lindsey,

    I love your cup collection, as I used to collect them, too. I had a Persian mother-in-law in my first marriage, who would not drink her tea out of anything except "fine china." Well, I started collecting them, but didn't want her using them, as she was prone to slippage, and broke a lot of glass items in my house. We went to "Dillards" and had her pick out her very own cup (at a heafty cost of $50), but at least it was hers and could take her abuse. She passed about 9 years ago, and I turned her cup into a memorial under glass for her daughters. She may have broken many of my dishes, but that one is still around, a testiment to her.


  12. I sincerely hope your dad and your husband are well on their way to full recovery - and I always just LOVE sneaking a peek at your lovely collections!
    Thanks for making the time to share with us today. Love, Heidi

  13. Beautiful china!! Hope you family members feel better real soon!!

  14. Hope your Dad and husband are feeling better now.
    Your teacup collection is just beautiful.

  15. I love your cup collection and the sweet little planters....praying your husbands back will heal soon...I haven't mailed Lindsey's bag yet..I will let y'all know when I do...blessings to you both

  16. What beautiful displays! Seems we sometimes get overwhelmed all at once ~ Judi

  17. I have that same print somewhere...I need to dig it up! Your cup collection is fabulous. Hope your dad & hubby are better soon!

  18. Hi Twyla! what a great post...first, I love all the pink cups and of course I like all the ways that you show off all your pretties...The vintage pictures are always wonderful to see. The puppy planter is adorable...I hope all is going well, have a nice week! Hugs, Jennifer

  19. Twyla, I thought you had been very quiet lately. I am glad to hear your loved ones are on the mend. When I visited the antique mall yesterday, I saw so many things that made me think of you. My eye is now drawn to beautiful Victorian postcards and images because of your wonderful collections. Now I must add cups to the list! Thank you so much for sharing. Elizabeth

  20. Love the cups...makes me smile big. I was wondering where you landed or ended up. We were hearing from Lindsey but not you and I'm so happy you are back.
    Stopping by for a short wave and I'm off to visit the hot tub...yummy!

  21. Your cups are so pretty and beautifully displayed. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's surgery and your husband's back problems. I hope they will both be feeling better real soon.

  22. I enjoying the little peeks into your home!!!
    Sweet collection and little puppy planter.
    Hope hubby is feeling better!
    Deb :)

  23. Hope things settle down for you soon.


  24. The young girl in that picture is so sweet. I love her hair. What pretty cups and saucers.

    Have fun times.

  25. Hi Twyla!
    Hoping your father is all fine and completely recovered now and I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's back! Hoping he can get some relief lickety split.
    Oh my gosh, loving all the pink. One of my hearts desires is a pink china tea cup for my morning tea. What a wonderful collection you have and your little china pups made me grin from ear to ear.
    Happy week to you!

  26. All of your German china cups are so beautiful! A really lovely collection!!


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