Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends! Today I want to share a couple of really sweet gifts that I recently received.

First, is this cute limited edition Kraft Barbie! When she arrived she was still sealed in her box. I had a hard time opening her, but I am really glad I did! Isn't she cute?!

I love her so much! Thank you, Sandy of 521 Lake Street!

Another sweet lady sent me an amazing doll trunk!

I LOVE vintage Barbie trunks, cases and houses! I love them just as much as I do the dolls. I have quite a  collection but I have never seen this trunk featuring Barbie, Francie and Casey.
Thank you so much, Lisa!

Have a lovely Wednesday, Lindsey


  1. Lindsey, We are both late owls tonight! I love that blogging friends send you treasures to add to your collection. I think a museum may be in your future! Have a great week! E

  2. heej Lindsey,

    What a great collection, i love to see it.
    Have a nice day,

    Greetings Irmaxxx

  3. Hi Lindsey! The kraft barbie is really cute, I love the outfit...I wasn't sure if you had the medusa barbie but we went to a toy show and the barbie seller there said that the price of that barbie sky rocketed. Some people are asking for 1000.00 for it but so far I saw one sell on ebay for 400.00 I have that one but no intention of selling it..she is really neat looking. Have a nice evening! hugs, Jennifer

  4. I love those trunks too and I too have never seen this. But you know of course that there was a difference, especially in the 60-ties, between American and European Barbie doll trunks.
    Have a lovely day!

  5. How sweet for your friends to send you these unique gifts! I have never heard of the Kraft Barbie, but I did see several years ago that you could order a Little Debbie Barbie from the snack cake boxes. I should have, but didn't - they weren't that pricey, I don't think.
    Blessings, Sarita

  6. Cute doll and doll trunk! I just love the sweeties having a little chat on the table:) Too precious! Have a blessed day dear Lindsey!

  7. Oh Wow...I just love your Barbie Wednesdays for I am very drawn to the bold colors!!

  8. Yay! Glad you got presents in the mail! I love the trunks, too. There's just something about the art work. ♥

  9. This is a GREAT Barbie trunk and one which I've never seen before! Great find and a real treasure!!! It seems like yesterday my daughter Carrie was playing with Barbies and now she is a mom with two small toddlers! How time flies! Love this post...thanks for sharing and have a fabulous day! Hugs, Coralie

    (Also...If you have a chance, please visit my daughter Carrie's blog ( as she writes about her husband's loss of job last week. They have two toddlers and are trying to stay positive! I know she'd appreciate a visit! And so will I! Thanks so much!)

  10. I'm not a Barbie collector (unless you're considered one if you just still happen to have every Barbie you, your sisters, or your daughter ever owned), but Mac & cheese Barbie brought back memories! I think this was the second Barbie my daughter got, do you know how many hours were spent looking for those red earrings to poke back in her head?? Thanks so much for sharing with us your fab collection!

  11. What great gifts Lindsey....thanks for sharing them....blessings sweetie...

  12. Oh, Lindsey, you are a LUCKY, lucky sweet girl!!! LOVE your new Kraft Barbie and the trunk!
    P.S. I received my gorgeous little tally yesterday - thank you SO much; I love it!

  13. I am a Barbie lover. I love your Barbie Wednesday. Thank you for sharing.

  14. This post makes me want to get my trunks from the 60's out of storage!

    Lovely gifts and a fun post : )

  15. Just a quick note!!! Here is a quote from my little baby girl when she was oh about 3 years old.......she is now 14! "Mama.....Do you know that everything is perfect in the world of Barbie!" Life is good at 3! Playing with her Barbies and sipping milk from her sippy cup! What else could a girl want? So sweet!
    Mama Holli

  16. How fun! I've never seen that Barbie before she's very cute with that hat!

  17. I am so glad you opened her! Isn't she cute! And the trunk???? Wow! What a generous gift! I had a black patent vynil one for my Barbie that had Barbies on it.....That poor thing went everywhere and eventually fell apart! :)

  18. Looks like cool goodies. Do you have EVERYTHING on display in your home?
    Barbie's birthday is coming up!


  19. The Kraft Barbie is so unique...I have never seen one like that case too!
    Big Hugs,

  20. I don't remember seeomg that one, but there is so many in my daughter's collection. Part of them she got after she left home. You are never to old for Barbies.

  21. So cute that you have a Barbie day! I will never forget my Barbie dolls! Wish I had them still! Thanks for your fun visit!


  22. What a wonderful Kraft Barbie. The trunk is just darling too. Mail box packages are the best!!

    Thank you Twyla for stopping by and your kind comments about my nana's crocheting. You are so kind and it was great to see you.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Blessings always,
    Celestina Marie

  23. Very special gifts for you, thanks for sharing them with us. The barbie is so sweet in her bright colors and mini skirt :)

  24. Another gorgeous Barbie! My Dad is making me move my collection from his loft (Only been in my own house 3 years!) so I will be sharing some of mine no doubt!

  25. HI there my sweet friends!!!! I finally get a play evening ;) I used to be all play but now, I have work that keeps me on my toes and out of play...

    ALas, I am here and I get to see your Kraft Barbie, WOW!! And a trunk??

    Those are amazing treasures!!

    I am also super delighted at your images below, I adore vintage imagery.

    Thank you for a lovely visit!! Love, Vanessa


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