Monday, March 15, 2010

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Today we share another image from the 1930's children's book.
This one is to illustrate Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full:
One for the master, and one for the dame,
And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

The original rhyme is over 200 years old and was a complaint against taxes. 

We hope you will enjoy the idealic illustration of the children and sheep.
Isn't her dress adorable?!

Wishing you all a happy week!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. Hi Girls,

    Ohhh i like that rhyme, i sing that song when i was a littel girl together with my mother and litel sister.
    The illustration is so cute, i love it.
    Have a nice week, greetings from Holland from Irma xxx

  2. Cute image! And my favourite rhyme, My Mum and Dad have a tape of me singing it at about 3 years old! It makes me laugh!

  3. Isn't it amazing how a lot of the old children's saying came about. Have a Wonderful Week!

  4. Oh! This sweet image brought back a memory! (Blogging sure does that a lot!) One year on Easter, I was given a stuffed animal and it was a little black lamb with a little flower on her colar! Thanks for the memory! ♥

  5. Precious image and brings back childhood memories:) Have a blessed day my friends!

  6. So many of the nursery tales had a story behind them...Is that passive agressive behavior in story telling? The black sheep made innocent but a whole lot of tax talk behind it. Interesting that tax talk turned out so darn cute!

  7. That must be a very special book, these illustrations you are sharing are the sweetest pictures EVER!

  8. Good Morning Ladies,

    Very sweet picture, thanks again for sharing. Yes the dress is adorable, and it might inspire me to make one for a doll.


  9. This is one of my favorites. I've always wanted a knitting shop and I was going to use this in the name.

  10. You always find the sweetest images to share! And that's so funny that the song is about taxes. I wonder now if some of the other little nursery rhymes that we all know and love are actually about something else entirely!
    Happy Monday!

  11. Oh these illustrations are so sweet and thanks for posting them, I've saving saving!!

  12. Beautiful picture, Twyla and Lindsey. This has always been one of my favorite nursery rhymes. The little girl's hat is lovely,too...and the cherry blossoms and tulips. It is idyllic, as you say.

  13. Hi Ladies,
    Oh I just love vintage children illustrations. There is alway so much sweetness in their little faces.
    Hope you have a happy week as well!

  14. Interesting facts about the Baa Baa Black Sheep story.
    Thanks for sharing!!

  15. I didn't know it was a complaint about taxes, it's fun to know some history on that nursery rhyme. I used to raise sheep, so I am love with all of them, black or white!

  16. Hello Twyla and Lindsey! I LOVE this the colors and especially her dress. Maybe one day we'll have sheep here on the farm...just seeing this makes me want to do it soon! Hope you have a wonderful day (Tuesday)! Maura


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