Friday, February 12, 2010

Cat and Mouse

Welcome friends!
How about a game of cat and mouse?

These two vintage Valentine's just go together, don't they?

Best wishes for a special day to all our dear friends!
Twyla and Lindsey


  1. What a lovely Puss and Bootsy greeting! It must have been sent by a very young admirer ("Steve"), as I remember how our moms would sign not-yet-writing admirers names to the cards, and then the Kindergarten teacher would feverishly pencil in the last names of the givers, before the happy, little recipents went home from school with their shoebox mailboxes filled with Valentines! I love Valentines Day and it's almost here!

  2. Such adorable Valentines--how do you find such wonderful ones? Thanks so much for sharing them so generously!

  3. Hi Lindsey,

    These cards are too cute. Thanks for sharing them with us valentine hungry bloggers. I'm curious, too, as to how you came by your vast collection of cards? Maybe you'll share some secrets...


  4. Cutie-pies! Love the vintage valentines you are sharing. Thanks for the sweet comment yesterday! I just love your blog too! Have a blessed day!

  5. These bring back fond memories of being in grade school and all the fun of passing out Valentine's to kids there in class! It was always one of my favorite holidays! And then I move into a country where cards are few and far between! Oy!

  6. A thimble hat! So cute! Thanks girls- for making Feb. a happier time for me! ♥

  7. Happy Valentines Day weekend to you! xo

  8. Good Morning Girlies! Mama Holli here! How do you feel about fellow bloggers cutting and pasting your darling valentines? I am such a sucker for these old vintage treasures!!! Let me know what you think!
    Have a great day!

  9. I love the little's one of my favs now! Enjoy your day! ♥

  10. Yippeeee!!! Oh I am so excited! Thank you for sharing!!! Have a great day!

  11. Me Again!!! Sorry to be such a pesty mama!!! Wanted to let you know I have posted you up today!!!!

    Thanks for the darling images!!!
    Have a great day!

  12. Such sweet images. Have a Happy Valentines Day!

  13. You have so many wonderful Valentines and you have been so gracious to share them...thanks so much...have a blessed weekend...

  14. Thanks for joining my l836 farm house blog. I am visiting yours and love it. I have had valentine all over my house for the past month. That is one of my ways of sharing with my family.

  15. Really neat vintage cards you have shared with us lately :)
    Have a great Valentines weekend

  16. Thanks to all your Valentines, you kept me in the mood for the big day.
    I am making cookies for Arney, no big plans yet.
    Your collection is really fun, thank you for sharing them.
    oxox, Mary

  17. Oh Lindsey! Just as I was squealing with delight over the airplane Valentine, I noticed my name and doubly squealed! You know how I love space Valentines and a fish Valentine? Was this post ever the one for me! EAK! (squeal one more time) Elizabeth

  18. Yall just have too much fun!!!
    These are so cute ..thanks for sharing and have a great Valentines Day! Happy Happy!

  19. Hey ya'll. Thanks for visiting me, it sure made me smile.

    Happy Valentine's Day Dear Friends....Tracy :)

  20. Thanks girls the Valentines are so sweet. You have a great Valentine's Day.

  21. As you know I really love your Vintage Valentines and have used them on my blog. I always love seeing what you are doing and I just wish I had more time to try all the things that I see. Maybe if I ever give up my day job it might happen, but I can't afford to do that yet. Happy Valentine's weekend. Take care

  22. Super sweet! Thanks to you both for all that you share with us!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Hugs, Lisa

  23. Have so enjoyed the Valentines you have shared with us over the past few weeks.

  24. SO adorable!!!

    happy valentine's day!



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