Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Barbie Wednesday

Hello friends! I am excited to share with you some of my favorites from Mattel's Fall line preview!

I think Mattel has out done themselves this year and I am excited to add these lovelies to my collection!
The new American Girl reproduction gift set is a must have for both my Mom and I as the American Girl was Mom's first doll, and a favorite doll for me!

Also the beautiful Fashion Queen Barbie was one of the first vintage dolls that I added to my collection and I am super excited to add this reproduction doll to my collection too!

I squeeled in delight when I saw these next 3 dolls!Vintage styled Wizard Of Oz dolls!!!!

The changes that Mattel has made to these Wizard Of Oz dolls makes them a must have in my collection!!

The Wicked Witch is my favorite!!!!! I think she is so inspiring!!! WOW! I love the lace boots!!!

And of course if any of you are as big a Johnny Depp fans as we are then you know how fun this doll will be to have! The upcoming movie sounds exciting and we can't wait to see Johnny again!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful week, Lindsey


  1. Hi, Lindsey,
    Thanks for the Barbie update. I wish I still had my original Queen Barbie. I love the Dorothy Barbie!


  2. How fun! Love those vintage Barbies! The Wicked Witch is fabulous, isn't she?! And Johnny Depp---wow!

    Thanks for sharing these, Lindsey!

  3. Wow, they are wonderful.
    Thank you for following my blog

  4. I simply love "Dot Gale's" appliqued Toto design! Thanks for the peek into what's new in Barbieland-- you're a doll!

  5. Oh I hope I can track down the Oz dolls when I'm in the US this year.

    Kelly & I saw the Mad Hatter doll last night but they're charging £90 for it in the UK!!!

    Victoria xx

  6. I love the jaunty red jacket! ♥

  7. I saw this and thought of you...

    Kate x

  8. Hi Ladies,

    This post makes me miss the set of Wizard of Oz barbies that I had. I had the original set when they first came out, what was it 15 years ago? I had to sell them when my husband got laid off. I have 4 barbies tucked away in a box under my bed, that I occasionally pull out and play with. You never really outgrow barbie!


  9. OH MY GOSH... I WANT that JOHNNY DEPP Mad Hatter doll!! Is he out on shelves yet? I've GOT to google this!.. Johnny sure seems to be keeping busy! Having just shown Public Enemies, Alice is not even out, and he's already ready to start his next part with Angelina Jolie! I can't keep up with him!.. though I DO try my best! (0; Love the American Girl reproduction too! ~tina

  10. The wicked witch is phenomenal! and the Johnny Depp Mad Hatter is unbelievable!!! I hadn't realized it was available...MUST GET ONE!!! xx

  11. OH MY WORD! I don't collect Barbie's, but after seeing these......

  12. I love the vintage Barbie's ~ How fun !! I don't collect them either but certainly bought alot of them for my girls when they were little ~ I loved buying them for them but I need to buy them for me now ~

  13. Hello to my two Fav Crafters!
    I am so happy you got to join in the Vintage Alphabet! Great 'B'arbie stuff. I'm gonna hafta pull my 60's stuff out. Haven't seen it in ages.

  14. Barbie's red dress and jacket are sooo chic!

  15. Love to look at all the updated Barbies. Thanks for sharing them. Can't wait for that new Alice in Wonderland movie to come out too.

  16. Love to look at all the updated Barbies. Thanks for sharing them. Can't wait for that new Alice in Wonderland movie to come out too.

  17. Love the Barbie's!! I used to collect them.

    I am so ready to see Johnny Depp in that new Alice in Wonderland movie. Depp is one of my favorite actors -- Capt. Jack Sparrow especially!

  18. All your Barbies look as tho they walked out of the 1950's. How beautiful they are, brings back lots of memories for sure, Char

  19. I always loved Barbies! The Wizard of Oz dolls are quite beautiful! Thanks for sharing these with us.

  20. Loved seeing your Barbies! I have collected for over 40 years. Ever since my first Barbie at age 6ys.
    Just love her!
    Best wishes,

  21. Oh I'm so excited! These types of Barbies are really hard to get here (and super expensive if you can!)
    My lovely Boyfriend is taking me to Vegas for my birthday so I will be able to hunt these beauties down!

  22. Aaahhhh these new repros just look great! Saturday matinee has always been one of my favorite outfits, but I never had it! The american girl looks great too! I have a lot of fashion queens in my collection, as it was always one of the cheap dolls over here and you can do so much with them. I especially loved them with the magic wigs. Mmm your post just tickles me: I might check my collection (now in the attic) one of these days! If I do, I'll let you know AND I will make photos for my blog!

  23. I so love Barbie Wednesday!!!
    Since I live in Kansas the Wizard of Oz dolls are soo cute to me!


  24. You sure do know how to bring back the memories of the barbies that we bought our daughter when she was growing up. She had a wide variety of dolls from the tiny to the Cabbage Patch which my sister made for her a long time ago. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

  25. Really cool! I love the first one too! I may have to see about this one!
    Hugs, Lisa

  26. Boy do those bring back memories! Really cute!

  27. Show and tell is so fun with Lindsey! Especially when you are talking Barbies!
    I think the witch and Mr. D would make a good match!

  28. Hi Lindsey! I love the first two barbies...I just got the barbie catalog and there are a few in there that are must haves! Have a nice night! Hugs, Jennifer

  29. Oh, wow, Lindsey - this is the first time I have seen these! Wow - they really are all fabulous! i can certainly understand your desire to add them to your collection!!

  30. Hi Ladies~Just stopped by to say "hi." I know nothing about Barbies but hate to just skip over you blog because I like your blog so much.

    Happy days to you...

  31. Nice ones to add to your collection! I like the Good Witch one!! :)

  32. Oh!!! I love the Dorothy Barbie!!!

    Cannot wait to see Alice! I may just have to have a mad hatter! :)

  33. Oh My Gosh I had the original Barbie with the three wigs....what a memory that just brought back! ANd Barbie as Dorothy...too cute!!!! My first Barbie was the simple skinny boxed one, she had a brunette bubble cut. I got one a few yaers ago that is a reporduction., She is going to find a place in my room for sure!
    Have you opened the Kraft Barbie yet? You know you want to! Let's ee what she looks like! Have a good weekend ladies! Sandy

  34. the vintage style faces are the best, aren't they? love them.


  35. You have some very special keepers for sure. I am looking forward to seeing Johnny in the new Wonderland movie...I think my sister has her first Barbie still...she had the carboard house.
    Have a great weekend, mary

  36. Hi Lindsey:
    I had the original Fashion Queen Barbie with her wigs. I spent last Sunday with my cousin, Sheree (I blogged about it), and we sat and reminisced about the hours we spent playing with our Barbies (we had ALL of them, in triplicate between the two of us, my sister and hers!) I only wished we'd saved them all! We'd be rich women in more than memories!
    Thanks for the little walk down Memory Lane (again).

  37. That sure is some fun dolls that Mattel is releasing, I am not sure if I would know where to begin. But I am sure you have it all figured out. Have fun and Happy Collecting. Hugs, Diane


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