Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Sugar Kissed Bottle!

Hello Friends! Today I am showing you this small vintage bottle that I altered.

Take any shape bottle (mine is an old milk bottle) and wrap a 12 inch strip around it to measure how long your strip needs to be, overlapping about an inch.

You can cut your paper with decorative edge punches or tear it for an aged look. I layered two different papers and glued them before taping them on the bottle.

I then wrapped the paper around the bottle pulling it as tight as possible. Add a strip of double stick tape to both edges of the paper so that you are taping them together and not taping directly to the bottle.

I then layered silk flowers found at any craft store and a pink polka dot brad which can be found at Hobby Lobby and glued that to the front of the bottle. I then took a red velvet leaf and tucked down behind the paper.

I filled the bottle with white glitter and cut a 1 inch circle to cover the top of my bottle and that's it!

Have a great Tuesday, Lindsey


  1. Cute idea! What really caught my eye was the felt garland, just wish my hands could handle the needle so long! Such cutie ideas always! Lori

  2. ohhh I love these ideas.
    Fun to make by yourself.
    You have used beautiful colors.

    Dear greetings from Irma Holland

  3. This would be perfect for putting a sugar scrub in for a gift! Thanks for the tutorial!

  4. A sugar kissed morning to you girls! ♥

    Milk bottles bring back so many memories for me!

    That candy cane paper is so cute, Lindsey! And I love the idea of using a brad for a flower center. I can't wait to try it! ♥

  5. Oh yes, and *do you* like riding a bike? Hee-hee! ♥

  6. SO pretty!! I adore it. Thank you so much for coming over to my blog and saying Hello! I peek at your blog all the time.


  8. I love all your great Sugar Kissed craft ideas !Thanks so much for sharing , it is a great Christmas Gift .;~)

  9. Oh I love it! I am always looking for ways to pretty up my jars and this is so cute and festive! Love it! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  10. What a great idea! Love the ideas you two are coming up with! Hope you're having a happy December 1st!

  11. Oh Lindsey...
    Great idea sweetie. I love it. I happen to have two little milk bottles just crying for something to be done to them. You have inspired me. I am going to play with them, and see what I can do. I could use them like candleabras at each end of my buffet, and maybe add a candle to the middle of that glitter in the bottle?

    I am definitely going to play with this one. I will let you see what I come up with soon.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  12. Hi Girls! Its very nice to meet other bloggers. I love the bottle very cute.
    The picture on my blog is my house and yes I do use that spinning wheel!

  13. super duper cute!! u girls are so crafty!

  14. So pretty...thanks for sharing...blessings

  15. This is so cute...so are the other treasures you girls have created! That garland is precious...I can imagine the love and time that goes into sewing those....I love that, and I think it would look so cute on a vintage Christmas tree! Loving the Christmas Post card images too...they are sweet as can be!
    Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!
    Big Hugs,

  16. Happy December to you both! You are both so very sweet and dear and I look forward to catching up with you here. Everything is so charming!

  17. Very pretty! Your so talented Lindsey!

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Such a sweet idea! I'll have to remember these for next year - already can't wait! E

  19. what a fun project!! i love the idea of filling the bottle with glitter.....so pretty!! :))

  20. i think altered bottles are so cool and this one is adorable!


  21. Simple and easy but cute as a bugs ear. Who ever looked at a bugs ear and decided to claim it was cute anyway? Adding a giggle to the moment. Maybe it's that glitter inside that makes us giggle.

  22. Sweet. Very sweet! Very festive. Great gift idea!

    I wish we had Hobby Lobby shops. We do not have them in California. While visiting my sissy in Georgia, we went to Hobby Lobby and I went crazy. But, I can't complain too much as we have some great craft shops.

    Happiness to you dear ladies.


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