Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Barbie Wednesday

Hello Friends, First I would like to thank you all for the Birthday wishes!
I want to show you another beautiful Barbie I received for my Birthday. She is from the Silkstone Collection, called Lady of the Manor Barbie. Both her and my amazing American Girl Barbie were gifts from my wonderful Brother this year.

I love this Mattel photo showing off her beautiful dress! I had never seen her before my Birthday and was thrilled to add such a lovely doll to my collection.

I love this closeup of her jewelry!

Here is a closeup of her dress! The ribbon flowers and seed beads are amazing!

Lady of the Manor Barbie came out in 2006. She was created by designer Robert Best. There are less than 6,300 dolls worldwide! She was designed to capture the posh life, during a fab British Invasion.

Hope you are having a lovely week, Lindsey


  1. Such a Beautiful Doll! Great to add to your ever expanding collection! Hugs, Diane

  2. happy birthday , hope it was a special day. lovely Barbie, nice to receive her. I still have my original bubble cut hairdo Barbie I got way back in 1960's era, her skin has turned sort orange-ish but she is still beautiful. have a fun Wednesday !

  3. Next to vintage, these silkstones are the best in my humble opinion! You have a very nice brother!

  4. This doll is beautiful!! I had the Barbies with the brunette ponytail from the late 50's. I played with her endlessly making dresses etc. I sure wish I had her now!!
    Great post....
    Have a Great Day!

  5. Gorgeous doll! It looks alot like the first one I had in the face, except for the beauty mark.My barbie was the bubble cut platinum blonde.Oh the memeories,lol.Have a great day!

  6. I'm glad you had a special birthday, Lindsey! I love this beautiful Barbie ...the dress detail is gorgeous! Great photos!

  7. What a lovely present!
    She is gorgeous!!! It's great collecting Barbies! Always know you are going to get great presents!!

    Lots of Love

    Kelly xxx

  8. A truly gorgeous Barbie! I am suddenly tempted to become a collector, too. :) Did I ever tell you that I first learned to knit by making my own Barbie clothes as a girl? I may have mentioned it, but I can't remember. Other girls had store-bought Barbie clothes, but mine were knit by my Grandmother (and then later by me, once I learned how). Though I thought they were dorky at the time, I look back with really fond memories. After all, how many Barbies have custom hand-knit costumes? ;)

  9. Hurray! Let's hear it for the brunettes! ☺

    That dress is soooo gorgeous and Your brother is so sweet! ♥

  10. Hi Lindsey, I don't have this barbie!!!! she is gorgeous love all the flowers and her hair is done beautifully....What a sweet brother you have : ) hugs, Jennifer

  11. Stunning!!! And what a great brother you have

    Victoria xx

  12. That dress is simply stunning. What a fabulous birthday gift. I wish that I had a brother. LOL

  13. I have been seriously lacking in commenting on yall! I am still around, just really busy. Loved the barbie post...and next Wednesday I am going to do Barbie post too, because I just found out some really neat information on Barbies that is just to sweet not to share! ;) Hope you all have a wonderful day...(loved the party, too!)

  14. Oh, my goodness, Twyla. She's stunning! I love that dress and can appreciate how much work would go into a full-size one. Wouldn't that be delish?
    Thanks for stopping in to visit today and for leaving a comment. I'll make sure to add your entries, for sure, my friend!
    See you again soon. Hugs to Lindsey!

  15. That's it Lindsey! This IS the most beautiful Barbie I've ever seen! I love everything about her. Her face is gorgeous, and that dress really blew my socks off! Wow!!! Your brother has some good taste, girl!!! Glad you had a great birthday! Hugs, ;)

  16. Happy Belated Birthday!
    You got some nice gifts.
    What a great family!

    Lady of Manor's dress is
    beautiful. The details
    are amazing. What a beautiful
    doll to have in your collection.
    Thanks for posting the picture
    of her, I haven't seen her before

  17. Now that is a fabulous doll! Amazing gown detail. Later,Lori

  18. What a beautiful Barbie--I used to have a Barbie--I think I got her in 1959 and played with her for years. Somehow she got lost when my children were little and we moved--I'd sure love to have another one with the striped bathing suit and the cottony hair! They had such pretty faces--not at all like the modern faces they have today.

  19. that is a beautiful barbie. i love the retro face and elegance of it. really cool!!!


  20. OOOHHH! Barbie is a diva, for sure. Beautiful details!


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