Friday, August 14, 2009

Vintage finds

Hello Friends, I found a fun and unique apron recently hanging in an Antique store.
A Snow White apron! It's beautifully embroidered and so cute!!!

I love the colors! Aren't the little dwarfs sweet?

The pocket is so neat! I have never seen an apron quite like it!

As most of you know I have an addiction to vintage cards. So I was thrilled to find this vintage card box!!

These cards are so cute!!! This is the top of the box.

Here is the inside cover.

The inside.

I love, love, love this little mermaid card and wish so badly that I could scan the image or that it had been on the outside of the box so that I could see it more!

Thank you for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend, Lindsey and Twyla


  1. The apron is so cute! So unique! Love the pretty card box, too! Someone created a treasure!

  2. Hi Lindsey and Twyla! Love the apron, I wonder if it's one of a kind? what a treasure. The card box is so neat to...I would have to say, you found some really special things! ; ) You both have a wonderful weekend too!!! Hugs, Jennifer

  3. I've never seen such a sweet apron!
    Seeing your pretty card box reminded me of my great aunt Nell who gave us a handmade gift every Christmas. One year she gave us the cutest basket made of old Christmas cards and it looked like they were crocheted together. We used it for many years to hold our yearly Christmas cards we received. We put it up every year and I don't know what happened to it. Guess it wore out finally.
    Blessings, Sarita

  4. Oh I love that box! It's beautiful. The apron is adorable too.

  5. Oh, I love the card box, too! How sweet and an original recycler, too!
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Good grief, I can hardly breathe, or see Happy, and Doc and Bashful on a apron...Oh , I wish I had a million dollars to offer you to buy it. I SO LOVE THAT! And the boxes...oh, I'm telling you, you are my kind of friend. I thank God literally for finding you. Good night from the Man and the Moon and Me...

  7. Hi Girls!

    That box is beautiful. I just love those vintage illustrations!
    They have a certain sweetness and charm that just irresistable!

    The Snow white apron is darling!

    Have a great weekend!

    Hugs, Paulette

  8. Hello Ladies!!
    Very sweet apron...Love it!! The vintage card box is so cute. You found some great treasures.
    Deb :)

  9. That box is adorable - I have never seen one like it - now then it is a given that the mermaid picture is just off the metre on cuteness - so you have to just have to find a way of copying it........

    (taps forehead in Poo Bear thinking fashion)


  10. You always find the most charming treasures!! Have a great weekend~

  11. What a cute little apron and such a great find!

  12. Wowza! 2 very unique finds! Looks like the cards were laminated?

  13. Love the bluebird postcard especially but all of your finds are super wonderful! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

  14. Twyla, lovely finds! That apron is cutie patootie! And I love that card box - very unique :)

  15. that is one ADORABLE apron! what a find:)

  16. your vintage finds are fabulous!! that little snow white apron is very, very sweet!! :)

  17. What a good day you had!

    oh my heavens! That is the cutest apron and I adore the card box.

  18. The apron is absolutely adorable. The card box has definitely found a good home. It looks like the perfect spot to store your vintage cards.

  19. What fun! :)

    I especially loved the apron. I am so glad The Apron has made a comeback...although..this wonderful example is to great to get tomato sauce on it! :D

    Thanks so much for sharing your treasures with us.

  20. Great finds! I love the old embrodiery work. I remember my mom and grandma making dishcloths and pillows.


  21. Thank you for coming over to my blog. You are toooo sweet!! I love your blog and will be here also. I love blogging. It has been so fun to meet new wonderful friends. I haven't been doing it long though.
    Blessings to you new friend. We ill have to stay in touch.

  22. What a fun site you have. Thank you for stopping by today!
    Have a great Lord's Day~

  23. Those are sweet vintage finds! That apron is cute!

  24. What an adorable apron! I don't think I have ever seen one like that...too cute! OMG, I love the card box!!! What a great find. I share your love for vintage cards.

  25. Oh my gosh !! That apron is too sweet and the little card box too. I agree too bad that darling mermaid card wasn't outside the box, that alone is truly a vintage find.

  26. What a cute apron! I love vintage cards as well. A few years ago, my husband purchased an old dime store card holder and display cabinet. It is wonderful, made of wood with big drawers. The drawers were full of vintage cards, which I still have. I just love the way they look compared to today's cards. Enjoyed visiting. blessings,Kathleen

  27. Yoo-hoo! Oh I hope you didn't have a computer crash! :0

  28. I love both the apron and the box. I was lucky at the antique store this weekend too. I found two dolls for the Wizard of Oz party!

  29. Twyla, How on earth did they make those wonderful boxes? I know that you crochet, you need to get busy on this and teach us all. The mermaids are just too sweet for words. The apron, oh my goodness! What treasures! E

  30. Hi there :) I added your store on my favorites on ETSY! I was wondering if you would mind adding me to yours :)


  31. What pretty finds Twyla...I remember those hand made boxes made from cards. I had one years ago that I used to keep handkerchiefs in...I wonder whatever happened to it??

    Missed your blogging while I was away.

  32. Your finds are sooo pretty...I love that bird post card and the message on it too!
    Hope you girls are having a great week!
    Big Hugs,

  33. What treasures to find! ; ) ~Michele


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