Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I’ve gotten soft. I decided that I was going to have to step up the exercising. When I lost 100 lbs. nearly 14 years ago, walking was key in my success. My last job kept me pretty active and I quit walking. For six years I’ve done no other exercise except what I got on my job. I have been trying to get back to the walking, but find that age and physical limitations have made it much more difficult.

I have been walking a half hour a day. Pretty pitiful, I know, but that’s about as good as I can do. My friend, Deb, of Garage Sale Gal and I have been encouraging each other to get more exercise. It really helps when you have someone else pulling for you.

One day while out walking I was struck with a great idea. It so helps to have motivation and a goal when you are trying to improve yourself, so I decided that I would walk to Deb! I will go on a ‘virtual’ walk to her house. When I got home I got on line and found out how far I’d have to ‘walk’ to get there. It is 592 miles from my front door to hers.

I have timed my walks and know that I walk 3 miles an hour so that is how I am gauging my walk. As of now I have gone 22 1/2 miles. I hope to step it up and walk more as I get stronger. I used to be able to walk 2 hours a day when I was loosing the weight and I hope to get back to that kind of stamina.

I will keep you undated on my walk and let you know where I am. Right now I am heading north on highway 13. Deb is so sweet, she said to let her know when I get close so she can have a snack ready for me because I will surely be thirsty and hungry when I get there.

The pictures in this post were of my peony bush and roses in our yard. The bridge above the waterfall is not too far from our neighborhood and we pass it everyday. The camel lives on a farm just around the corner. We always get a kick out of seeing him. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of our neck of the woods.

Wish me luck on my journey!

Wishing you much happiness, Twyla


  1. Twyla,That Deb Is so thoughtful! LOL, This was a cute post, Have a great day! Blessings, Faye

  2. Good luck on your journey! I can totally relate to your post today. I used to walk about 3 miles to work, work on my feet for 8 hours, and then walk the 3 miles back home...5 days a week! I was so slim and strong. Sadly, I've developed some physical ailments that only allow me to walk for short distances now, and the weight has really piled on :o(. I love your plan to walk to your friend's house...little by little! It's a lofty goal but I wish you good luck and I hope she has a really good snack for you, cuz' that's quite a haul!
    Smiles, Karen

  3. Hi Twyla! ♥

    What a cute walking idea! I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now. It's too humid to walk comfortably anymore but too cool yet to swim yet so my weight loss has halted. Well, I'm sure that ice cream hasn't helped! ☺

    How funny that you have a camel neighbor! Thanks for the pictures.

    My Peonies are about to burst open, too! One can tell that I didn't fertilize them this year. I tend to do less and less yard work. It's so hard to do it "safely"!

    Have a great day, Twyla! ♥

  4. Good for you Twyla! My friend and I walk most days for an hour. Some days we are speedy and some days not. Get yourself a pedometer and shoot for 10,000 steps per day. You wear it on your waistband and it will measure every step you take. There's a 10,000 steps website...I think this is the American Heart Association (or someone important) recommendation.

  5. Good for you, Twyla. What a clever idea to keep motivated to walk. Your flowers look very pretty and how funny to see a camel on your walk. I enjoy looking at pretty landscaping and houses while I am out walking.

    Good luck to you.

  6. Hi Twyla,

    Your peonies are so pretty and mine will be blooming soon. Do you ever pet the camel or anything...:)
    I'm glad that you are my "encourager" and friend:) I'll try to get a walk or workout in today...off to run some errands..I'll talk to yoy later.

  7. Twyla - you just made my day! Thank you for your comment on my blog. AND you have inspired me to go walking too! I need some fresh air... and I could stand to lose a few pounds too!

  8. I should start walking to your house!! It's not everyday that you see a camel in my neck of the woods...That alone is enough to make me walk!!! Your peonys are just beautiful, I planted two this year and one survived so I hope it makes it. Have a great week! hugs, Jennifer

  9. Twyla, You inspire me! You lost 100lbs! Your picture shows a woman who I assumed has always been petite! Exercise is difficult as you get older. I am trying very hard to get back into a routine as well. Keep posting about this virtual journey, I know it will help me! Just lovely, your part of the country. Thank you for sharing! E

  10. Good luck and feel free to walk the 1659 miles to my house, virtually of course, I will have some pizza and vino waiting for you!

  11. What a FUN idea! I talked to my best friend this afternoon and she is MILES away...I should start walking, too! Have you looked at google earth to see some of the places along the way? That's fun, too!

  12. What a clever walking idea! The flowers are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sending the dishcloths so quickly. They are lovely. Take care~

  13. wow, a 100 lb. weight loss! that is fantastic:) this is a great idea to take pics on your walks; might have to try this! i love going for walks with my boys; there are always lots of questions asked as we go along!!

  14. Hi Twyla
    What a good idea. I enjoyed your virtual walk pictures. The camel is cute! How about walking to my house? It's only 4275 miles!!!

  15. I love your pretty flowers. That is a great idea you have about walking to your friend.And you have some interesting things to see on your walk!
    Blessings, Sarita

  16. Hi Twyla,
    I love that you are virtually walking to Deb's : ) I so want to get out to walk again for exercise and fun, now if my dang foot would just cooperate : ) I hope you have a beautiful day.

  17. I'm a sucker for you flowers and that camel is just to cool!!! I would love to take a walk just to see him. My stepmom used to have a llama that lived next door to her and I remember someone else had an ostrich farm back in Kansas. I love the different animals that people have.

    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed your walk!



  19. You are a clever and inspiring woman Twyla. Keep up the good work. I might just join you along the path!
    Lisa & Alfie


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